PHP Doku:: Installation - soap.installation.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.





Die Erweiterung ist nur verfügbar, wenn PHP mit der Option --enable-soap konfiguriert wurde.

4 BenutzerBeiträge:
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3.11.2010 17:03
If you are using 3rd party all-in-one servers on windows (like Uniform Server etc), "php_soap.dll" may not be included in the default distribution. If this is the case, the do phpinfo(); first, check what compiler is used - you need to find out if it's VC6 or VC9, then got to official php download page, get windows binary distribution (.zip archive recommended), and copy php_soap.dll from that archive to your server (on Uniform it's <path>usr\local\php\extensions\ and then restart the apache service. Please note that despite of compiler difference, PHP comes in two flavours - thread safe and non thread safe. If one does not work for you (check logs - "unable to load dynamic library '...' usually means file is not there (not the case) or cannot be loaded (due to compiler ABI mismatch or ts/nts mismatch). Try thread safe binaries first.
ifzen at yahoo dot com
4.10.2010 21:36
And CentOS or Red-Hat : yum install php-soap
11.06.2010 21:06
Gentoo: add the 'soap' use flag to /etc/make.conf and emerge -av php
15.04.2010 15:26
on Ubuntu or Debian serived servers...

sudo aptitude install php-soap

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