Diese Erweiterung ist EXPERIMENTELL. Das Verhalten dieser Erweiterung, einschließlich der Funktionsnamen, und alles Andere, was hier dokumentiert ist, kann sich in zukünftigen PHP-Versionen ohne Ankündigung ändern. Seien Sie gewarnt und verwenden Sie diese Erweiterung auf eigenes Risiko.
Notice the red block at the beginning of this page... pdo_oci is HIGHLY experimental.
Even though it is under dev from 2004, it lakes today support for things that _do_ matters :
- bind a varchar2 of 3500 chars
- get selected metas
- left join with blobs/clobs
- etc.
For the story, since we use pdo_pgsql in our software, I thought it would be viable to use pdo_oci for running under Oracle. After a long battle, I finally won :
1) If requested driver has a non-experimental pdo version available, use it.
2) else (well, for pdo_oci at least), use an abstraction layer of your own.
3) you're done.
What I did in more details...
2 "main" classes for being compliant with "$obj instanceof PDO" or such :
- class PhpDb extends PDO
- class PhpDbStatement extends PDOStatement
2 "abstract" classes that defines what PDO actually does :
- abstract class PhpDbAbstract
- abstract class PhpDbAbstractStatement
And at last for each driver, 2 classes doing the abstraction :
- class PhpDbDriverOracle extends PhpDbAbstract
- class PhpDbDriverOracleStatement extends PhpDbAbstractStatement
"main" classes are accessed from your script, simply replace "new PDO" with "new PhpDb".
"abstract" classes are mainly there for the documentation :p
"driver" classes do the job in background, they are instances by the main classes.
My PhpDb will be in an open source project sooner or later, search google or mail me !
In order to get this compiled on my CentOS 5.4 x86_64 box, I had to do some extra settings that might be useful for others:
Install oracle-instantclient11.2-basic and oracle-instantclient11.2-devel RPMs from Oracle
Create some symbolic links because configure contains some outdated assumptions about path names and doesn't care about 64-bit systems:
ln -s /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client64 /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client
ln -s /usr/include/oracle/11.2/client64 /usr/lib/oracle/11.2/client/include
Add the following to your configure command:
From the PHP 5.3 UPGRADING file:
- The PDO_OCI php_pdo_oci8.dll library (for use with Oracle version 8 client
libraries) is no longer being built [with PHP 5.3]. Instead, use php_pdo_oci.dll (note no
'8') with Oracle 10 or 11 client libraries. Connection to other database
versions is still supported.
To enable PDO support on PHP for Oracle Instant Client 11.1.x, you should follow the syntax above in the compile command, just as pointed by Andrew http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=39312, taking by default you have installed the OIC at /usr/lib/oracle (instant client and sdk at subfolder):
./configure --with-oci8=shared,instantclient,/usr/lib/oracle
Just saying your release version from the Oracle OIC.
It compiles fine then.
Best regards.
Wow, cursade. That's a lot of typing to use the lite client.
Try this:
$db = '//hostname/servicename'; //e.g. '//'
$user = 'username';
$pass = 'password';
$conn = new PDO($db,$user,$pass);
A Statement of Warning:
PDO::oci does not support REF CURSORS.
This is mentioned nowhere (until now!) on this page.
And now you know!
If you want ref cursors avoid PDO for now.
My Reference for this claim:
GREAT article, excellent piece, really. It's not clear to me
how old this document is, but it must have some dust on it,
given it's references to "PHP5.1 ...' which is a little way off yet' "
... as of 2006-06-01, PHP5.1 has been with us for quite some time.
if oracle and oracle instant client has been installed,
without db in the same host
appent your instant client path and client/lib path to it,
For windows set PATH like this
After set the path ,set TNS_ADMIN everioment ,point to
where tnsnames.ora located.
Then,you can use service name to connect to your Database
Test coding
$param = $_POST;
$db_username = "youusername";
$db_password = "yourpassword";
$db = "oci:dbname=yoursid";
$conn = new PDO($db,$db_username,$db_password);
$name = $param['module'];
$file = $param['file'];
$stmt = $conn->exec("INSERT INTO AL_MODULE (AL_MODULENAME, AL_MODULEFILE) VALUES ('$name', '$file')");
If instant client has been installed but the full oracle client
not yet ,you can use pdo to connect to oracle database
like following coding:
$tns = "
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = yourip)(PORT = 1521))
$db_username = "youname";
$db_password = "yourpassword";
$conn = new PDO("oci:dbname=".$tns,$db_username,$db_password);
}catch(PDOException $e){
echo ($e->getMessage());