See also GNU Recode functions.
This is edited functions utf8_to_cp1251 and cp1251_to_utf8.
Changes: Check current string encoding.
function cp1251_to_utf8($s)
if ((mb_detect_encoding($s,'UTF-8,CP1251')) == "WINDOWS-1251")
$c209 = chr(209); $c208 = chr(208); $c129 = chr(129);
for($i=0; $i<strlen($s); $i++)
if ($c>=192 and $c<=239) $t.=$c208.chr($c-48);
elseif ($c>239) $t.=$c209.chr($c-112);
elseif ($c==184) $t.=$c209.$c209;
elseif ($c==168) $t.=$c208.$c129;
else $t.=$s[$i];
return $t;
return $s;
function utf8_to_cp1251($s)
if ((mb_detect_encoding($s,'UTF-8,CP1251')) == "UTF-8")
for ($c=0;$c<strlen($s);$c++)
if ($i<=127) $out.=$s[$c];
if ($byte2)
if ($new_i==1025)
} else {
if ($new_i==1105)
} else {
if (($i>>5)==6)
return $out;
return $s;
iconv does not convert to sjis tildes unless you do something like this
$string = 'where are the (~) (~) tildes?'; // This is what we start off with, you can put any string in here that contains problematic characters in utf8 format
echo ('this is what we start with = '.$string.'<BR />'); //print string at start
$conv_str = iconv('utf-8','shift-jis'.'//TRANSLIT',$string);
echo ('this is not working = '.$conv_str.'<BR />'); //Just to show that this is not working.
$rstring = preg_replace ('/~/','1bytetilde',$string); //replace before conversion
echo ('this is modified string here = '.$rstring.'<BR />'); //This is the modified string
$conv_str2 = iconv('utf-8','shift-jis'.'//TRANSLIT',$rstring); //convert modified string
$rereplace=chr(126); //$rereplace is now a one byte tilde in shift_jis
$rerstring = preg_replace ('/1bytetilde/',$rereplace,$conv_str2); //rereplace with tildes
echo ('this is the correct result = '.$rerstring.'<BR />'); //the correct result
Note that my mysql_iconv will not translate correctly the Hebrew dotting symbols (Niqqud) - they will be converted into question marks.
Here is a straightforward (and not very efficient) solution:
function utf8_to_windows1255($utf8) {
$windows1255 = "";
$chars = preg_split("//",$utf8);
for ($i=1; $i<count($chars)-1; $i++) {
$prefix = ord($chars[$i]);
$suffix = ord($chars[$i+1]);
//print ("<p>$prefix $suffix");
if ($prefix==215) {
$windows1255 .= chr($suffix+80);
elseif ($prefix==214) {
$windows1255 .= chr($suffix+16);
else {
$windows1255 .= $chars[$i];
return $windows1255;
// Simple file translation.
$FileToconvert = "menu.xml";
$FileConverted = "menu2.xml";
echo "Converting $FileToconvert ...";
file_put_contents($FileConverted, iconv("ISO-8859-1","UTF-8",file_get_contents($FileToconvert)));
echo "File converted in $FileConverted";
If you need convert string from Windows-1251 to 866. Some characters of 1251 haven't representation on DOS 866. For example, long dash -- chr(150) will be converted to 0, after that iconv finish his work and other charactes will be skiped. Problem characters range in win1251 (128-159,163,165-167,169,171-174,177-182,187-190).
Use this:
//$text - input text in windows-1251
//$cout - output text in 866 (cp866, dos ru ascii)
for($i=0;$i<strlen($text);$i++) {
if($ord>=192&&$ord<=239) $cout.=chr($ord-64);
elseif($ord>=240&&$ord<=255) $cout.=chr($ord-16);
elseif($ord==168) $cout.=chr(240);
elseif($ord==184) $cout.=chr(241);
elseif($ord==185) $cout.=chr(252);
elseif($ord==150||$ord==151) $cout.=chr(45);
elseif($ord==147||$ord==148||$ord==171||$ord==187) $cout.=chr(34);
elseif($ord>=128&&$ord<=190) $i=$i; //нет представления данному символу
else $cout.=chr($ord);
There's one more special german character: ß (sometimes displayed as Ϋ)
so: case 159: $out .= "ß";break;
But this is a very slow method to convert this:
// function to change german umlauts into ue, oe, etc.
function cv_input($str){
Better try this:
$tr = array(chr(xyz) => '', chr(160) => ' '); // Just a simple example, put all your characters in there
$string = strtr($string, $tr);
In addition to Godfather's note below, you may find this function useful just as well.
// function to change german umlauts into ue, oe, etc.
function cv_input($str){
$out = "";
for ($i = 0; $i<strlen($str);$i++){
$ch= ord($str{$i});
case 195: $out .= "";break;
case 164: $out .= "ae"; break;
case 188: $out .= "ue"; break;
case 182: $out .= "oe"; break;
case 132: $out .= "Ae"; break;
case 156: $out .= "Ue"; break;
case 150: $out .= "Oe"; break;
default : $out .= chr($ch) ;
return $out;
With this function you can translate the german Symbols from the character set UTF-8 in windows-1252.
function convert_text($str){
$out = '';
for ($i = 0; $i<strlen($str);$i++){
$ch = ord($str{$i});
case 252: $out .= chr(129);break; //u Umlaut
case 220: $out .= chr(154);break;//U Umlaut
case 228: $out .= chr(132);break;//a Umlaut
case 196: $out .= chr(142);break;//A Umlaut
case 214: $out .= chr(153);break;//O Umlaut
case 246: $out .= chr(148);break;//o Umlaug
case 223: $out .= chr(225);break;//SZ
default : $out .= chr($ch) ;
return $out;
iconv now has been built-in, at least in PHP >= 5.0.1 for win32. You don't have to modify php.ini for this. Actually you should not. And clearly, libiconv does not need to be installed.
Windows users.
Personaly I leaved all php dlls in \php\dlls\ directory, just adding this path to my system path, and iconv.dll supplied with php 4.3.2 works fine, also leaving supplied php_iconv.dll in my \php\extensions\ directory. This was working fine with Apache and Omnihttpd server I use.
As soon I installed IIS on the same server, php complained about not finding php_iconv.dll in the extensions directory. In fact PHP with IIS loads all extensions in my \php\extensions directory correctly, except php_iconv.dll.
Although iconv.dll is in my system path, the only way to load php_iconv.dll was to copy iconv.dll file in \%winnt\system32 directory. With other servers, iconv.dll can be in anywhere in the system path.
I'm not sure how recent version of
glibc 2.x Slackware 7.x/8.x comes with, but
it's very likely that it comes with glibc 2.2.x.
In that case, you don't have to bother at all to
install libiconv in /usr/local. iconv(3) in glibc 2.2.x
is very good (thanks to Ulrich Drepper and
Bruno Haible. the latter is the author of libiconv).
libiconv is very handy for those outdated/non-standard-compliant Unix
and non-Unix systems that don't have
sufficiently good iconv(3) in their C library.
To compile libiconv under Slackware 7.0 or 8.0 without errors (either with the apache module of PHP or the CGI version), you must specify the full path of the libiconv installation.
Exemple :