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24.05.2009 3:19
You have an array of directories (straightforward list of directories):

= array(

And you would like to transform this array to hierarchy of directories:

= array (
'home' => array (
'drapeko' => array (
'var' => array (
'y' => array()
'var' => array(
'libexec' => array()

How can you do it?

First of all the below function will help us.

 * This function converts real filesystem path to the string array representation.
 * for example,
 * '/home/drapeko/var/y            will be converted to    $result_array['home']['drapeko']['var']['y']
 * '/home/drapeko/var/y/file.txt   will be converted to       $result_array['home']['drapeko']['var']['y']
 * @param $path         realpath of the directory
 * @return string        string array representation of the path
function pathToArrayStr($path) {
// TODO constants/configs?
$res_path = str_replace(array(':/', ':\\', '/', '\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), '/', $path);
// if the first or last symbol is '/' delete it (e.g. for linux)
$res_path = preg_replace(array("/^\//", "/\/$/"), '', $res_path);
// create string
$res_path = '[\''.str_replace('/', '\'][\'', $res_path).'\']';


It simply converts the real path of the file to array string representation.

How can you use this function? I know it looks like a little confusing. But it's quite simple. Consider the example below:

= array();
$check = array();
$array as $val) {
$str = pathToArrayStr($val, 'result');
$check as $ck) {
         if (
strpos($ck, $str) !== false) {
$check[] = $str;
'$result'.$str.' = array();');

Heh, how do you find it? This approach has helped me very much. I hope you will find it useful. :)
17.03.2007 18:24
I just learned that, to specify file names in a portable manner, you DON'T need 'DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR' - just use '/'. This really surprised and shocked me, as until now I typed about a zillion times 'DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR' to stay platform independent - unnecessary. Don't make the same mistake.
tunnelareaten at gmail dot com
25.02.2005 17:27
I made this function to search and/or display files by extension or for a string occurance in the filename. Any comments or enhancements are welcome offcourse. I'll update this function soon.

usage: list_files([string], [string], [int 1 | 0], [int 1 | 0]);

search for extension: list_files([string], [string], [0], [int 1 | 0]);
returns array: $myArray = list_files([string], [string], [0], [0]);
echo result: list_files([string], [string], [0], [1]);

search for string occurance: list_files([string], [string], [1], [int 1 | 0]);
returns array: $myArray = list_files([string], [string], [1], [0]);
echo result: list_files([string], [string], [1], [1]);


function list_files($directory, $stringSearch, $searchHandler, $outputHandler) {
$errorHandler = false;
$result = array();
 if (!
$directoryHandler = @opendir ($directory)) {
  echo (
"<pre>\nerror: directory \"$directory\" doesn't exist!\n</pre>\n");
$errorHandler = true;
 if (
$searchHandler === 0) {
  while (
false !== ($fileName = @readdir ($directoryHandler))) {
substr ($fileName, - @strlen ($stringSearch)) === $stringSearch) {
array_push ($result, $fileName);
 if (
$searchHandler === 1) {
false !== ($fileName = @readdir ($directoryHandler))) {
substr_count ($fileName, $stringSearch) > 0) {
array_push ($result, $fileName);
 if ((
$errorHandler === true) &&  (@count ($result) === 0)) {
  echo (
"<pre>\nerror: no filetype \"$fileExtension\" found!\n</pre>\n");
 else {
sort ($result);
  if (
$outputHandler === 0) {
  if (
$outputHandler === 1) {
   echo (
print_r ($result);
   echo (

30.12.2003 13:39
Here is a function I wrote to get the relative path between 2 files or directory.

We suppose that paths are wrotten in Unix format (/ instead of windows \\)

 * Return the relative path between two paths / Retourne le chemin relatif entre 2 chemins
 * If $path2 is empty, get the current directory (getcwd).
 * @return string
function relativePath($path1, $path2='')
    if (
$path2 == '') {
$path2 = $path1;
$path1 = getcwd();

//Remove starting, ending, and double / in paths
$path1 = trim($path1,'/');
$path2 = trim($path2,'/');
    while (
substr_count($path1, '//')) $path1 = str_replace('//', '/', $path1);
    while (
substr_count($path2, '//')) $path2 = str_replace('//', '/', $path2);

//create arrays
$arr1 = explode('/', $path1);
    if (
$arr1 == array('')) $arr1 = array();
$arr2 = explode('/', $path2);
    if (
$arr2 == array('')) $arr2 = array();
$size1 = count($arr1);
$size2 = count($arr2);

//now the hard part :-p
$i=0; $i<min($size1,$size2); $i++)
        if (
$arr1[$i] == $arr2[$i]) continue;
$path = '../'.$path.$arr2[$i].'/';
    if (
$size1 > $size2)
        for (
$i = $size2; $i < $size1; $i++)
$path = '../'.$path;
    else if (
$size2 > $size1)
        for (
$i = $size1; $i < $size2; $i++)
$path .= $arr2[$i].'/';


Enjoy ! :-)
Gregor Mosheh
23.08.2003 2:23
This function searches a directory and returns an array of all files whose filename matches the specified regular expression. It's similar in concept to the Unix find program.

 function findfile($location='',$fileregex='') {
    if (!$location or !is_dir($location) or !$fileregex) {
       return false;
    $matchedfiles = array();
    $all = opendir($location);
    while ($file = readdir($all)) {
       if (is_dir($location.'/'.$file) and $file <> ".." and $file <> ".") {
          $subdir_matches = findfile($location.'/'.$file,$fileregex);
          $matchedfiles = array_merge($matchedfiles,$subdir_matches);
       elseif (!is_dir($location.'/'.$file)) {
          if (preg_match($fileregex,$file)) {
    return $matchedfiles;

$htmlfiles = findfile('/some/dir','/\.(htm|html)$/');
Gregor Mosheh
17.07.2003 7:25
I needed a function to find disk usage for a directory and its subs, so here it is. It's kinda like the Unix du program, except it returns the usage in bytes, not blocks.

function du($location) {
   if (!$location or !is_dir($location)) {
      return 0;

   $total = 0;

   $all = opendir($location);
   while ($file = readdir($all)) {
      if (is_dir($location.'/'.$file) and $file <> ".." and $file <> ".") {
         $total += du($location.'/'.$file);
      elseif (!is_dir($location.'/'.$file)) {
         $stats = stat($location.'/'.$file);
         $total += $stats['size'];
   return $total;

print du('/some/directory');
l_domenech at yahoo dot ca
3.07.2003 19:25
In the code samples of the user-contributed notes, you'll find functions that sometimes need a slash at the end of a folder path and sometimes don't.

Here's a little function to append a slash at the end of a path if there isn't one already.

function append_slash_if_none($string)
    if (ereg ("/$", $string))
        return $string;
        return ereg_replace("$", "/", $string);

(Replace with a backslash if you're on Windows...)
mitra at mitra dot biz
16.05.2003 7:10 contributed this in response to a question on setting these variables ...
This option *IS* settable within your PHP scripts.

('auto_detect_line_endings', true);
$contents = file('unknowntype.txt');

ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', false);
$content2 = file('unixfile.txt');

Note, with PHP 4.3 anytime Mac files are read using fgets or file you'll need to auto_detect_line_endings since \n is otherwise assumed.  However, with PHP 5.0, stream_get_line() will allow you to specify what line ending character to read up to.

\\ Read a line from a MAC file
stream_get_line($fp, 4096, "\r");

\\ Read a line from a UNIX file
stream_get_line($fp, 4096, "\n");

\\ Read a line from a DOS file
stream_get_line($fp, 4096, "\r\n");

\\ Read a line up to any filesystem line ending
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); fgets($fp);

\\ You can also make up your own line ending characters:
\\ Read up to the first instance of ":"
stream_get_line($fp, 4096, ":");
regis at webstuff dot com dot br
3.04.2003 17:49
Here is a useful function if you're having trouble writing raw bytes into a file.

It receives an integer and returns an array containing the ASCII values of the bytes on each index of the array.

function int2bytes($number){
  $byte = $number;
    $dec_tmp = $byte;
    $byte = bcdiv($byte,256,0);
    $resto = $dec_tmp - (256 * $byte);
    $return[] = $resto;
  } while($byte >= 256);
  if($byte) $return[] = $byte;
  return array_reverse($return);


$arr = int2bytes(75832);

$arr will contain the following values:
    [0] => 1
    [1] => 40
    [2] => 56

Now, to write this data to the file, just use a fputs() with chr(), just like this:


-- Regis
jdhurn at uberidx dot com
8.03.2003 16:18
This is a function I use to determine if a file contains Binary information. I use this for my search engine so that it doesn't try to index files like .zip or .mp3 or any other file that doesn't contain readable information. It makes use of the Character Type Extension if it's loaded, if it's not then it uses Regular Expressions.

function is_binary($link)
     $tmpStr  = '';
     @$fp     = fopen($link, 'rb');
     @$tmpStr = fread($fp, 256);

     if($tmpStr != '')
          $tmpStr = str_replace(chr(10), '', $tmpStr);
          $tmpStr = str_replace(chr(13), '', $tmpStr);

          $tmpInt = 0;

           for($i =0; $i < strlen($tmpStr); $i++)
                if( extension_loaded('ctype') )
                    if( !ctype_print($tmpStr[$i]) )
                   if( !eregi("[[:print:]]+", $tmpStr[$i]) )

           if($tmpInt > 5)

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