(PHP 5)
mysqli::options -- mysqli_options — Set options
Objektorientierter Stil
Prozeduraler Stil
Used to set extra connect options and affect behavior for a connection.
This function may be called multiple times to set several options.
mysqli_options() should be called after mysqli_init() and before mysqli_real_connect().
Nur bei prozeduralem Aufruf: Ein von mysqli_connect() oder mysqli_init() zurückgegebenes Verbindungsobjekt.
The option that you want to set. It can be one of the following values:
Name | Description |
MYSQLI_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT | connection timeout in seconds (supported on Windows with TCP/IP since PHP 5.3.1) |
MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND | command to execute after when connecting to MySQL server |
MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_FILE | Read options from named option file instead of my.cnf |
MYSQLI_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP | Read options from the named group from my.cnf or the file specified with MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE. |
The value for the option.
Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.
MySQLnd always assumes the server default charset. This charset is sent during connection hand-shake/authentication, which mysqlnd will use.
Libmysql uses the default charset set in the my.cnf or by an explicit call to mysqli_options() prior to calling mysqli_real_connect(), but after mysqli_init().
Example on using mysqli_options to increase size of max_allowed_packet for working with big blobs.
function dbConnect()
$user = 'jomama';
$pass = 'cartoon';
$dbName = 'LifeCycle';
$host = 'localhost';
$mysqli = mysqli_init();
mysqli_real_connect($mysqli,$host, $user, $pass,$dbName)
or die ('<P>Unable to connect</P>');
return $mysqli;
Here es little example to create a SSL Connection
$db = mysqlii_init();
When you want so use a separate cnf
$test = $db->options(MYSQLI_EAD_DEFAULT_FILE,'myother.cnf');
//Here some query