PHP Doku:: Fetches all result rows as an associative array, a numeric array, or both - mysqli-result.fetch-all.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The MySQLi_Result class

<<mysqli_result::data_seek -- mysqli_data_seek

mysqli_result::fetch_array -- mysqli_fetch_array>>



(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0)

mysqli_result::fetch_all -- mysqli_fetch_allFetches all result rows as an associative array, a numeric array, or both


Objektorientierter Stil

mixed mysqli_result::fetch_all ([ int $resulttype = MYSQLI_NUM ] )

Prozeduraler Stil

mixed mysqli_fetch_all ( mysqli_result $result [, int $resulttype = MYSQLI_NUM ] )

mysqli_fetch_all() fetches all result rows and returns the result set as an associative array, a numeric array, or both.



Nur bei prozeduralem Aufruf: Ein von mysqli_query(), mysqli_store_result() oder mysqli_use_result() zurückgegebenes Ergebnisobjekt.


This optional parameter is a constant indicating what type of array should be produced from the current row data. The possible values for this parameter are the constants MYSQLI_ASSOC, MYSQLI_NUM, or MYSQLI_BOTH.


Returns an array of associative or numeric arrays holding result rows.

Ausschließlich native MySQL-Treiber

Nur in mysqlnd verfügbar.

As mysqli_fetch_all() returns all the rows as an array in a single step, it may consume more memory than some similar functions such as mysqli_fetch_array(), which only returns one row at a time from the result set. Further, if you need to iterate over the result set, you will need a looping construct that will further impact performance. For these reasons mysqli_fetch_all() should only be used in those situations where the fetched result set will be sent to another layer for processing.

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3 BenutzerBeiträge:
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windix at gmail dot com
26.08.2010 4:01
If you get an empty set after calling fetch_all(), make sure the result set cursor is reset to the beginning
andrey at php dot net
10.08.2010 16:38
Return value changed in 5.3.3 - between 5.3.0 and 5.3.2 (incl.) when the result set was empty NULL was returned. 5.3.3+ returns an empty array.
Also, mysqli_fetch_all works only for buffered result sets, which are the default for mysqli_query. MYSQLI_USE_RESULT will be supported in 5.3.4+
However, it makes little sense to use it this way, materialising unbuffered sets. In this case choose STORE_RESULT, and fetch_all won't copy the data, but reference it, as it is stored already in mysqlnd.
kevin at metalaxe dot com
6.01.2009 22:18
If you are getting the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method mysqli_result::fetch_all()

Be sure you didn't miss this line after the procedural call about it requiring mysqlnd

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