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Solaris specific installation tips

This section contains notes and hints specific to installing PHP on Solaris systems.

Required software

Solaris installs often lack C compilers and their related tools. Read this FAQ for information on why using GNU versions for some of these tools is necessary. The required software is as follows:

  • gcc (recommended, other C compilers may work)
  • make
  • flex
  • bison
  • m4
  • autoconf
  • automake
  • perl
  • gzip
  • tar
  • GNU sed
In addition, you will need to install (and possibly compile) any additional software specific to your configuration, such as Oracle or MySQL.

Using Packages

You can simplify the Solaris install process by using pkgadd to install most of your needed components.

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julie at baumler dot com
29.12.2006 6:22
There's a great how-to for Solaris 10 from Mel Lester Jr at

It even shows how to install php in a global zone and configure it in your other zones.
francois at tekwire dot net
6.10.2006 10:11
A detailed HOWTO document describing how to build Apache & PHP on Solaris is available at

This document also explains how to build from scratch every piece of software they can depend on, including almost every Apache modules and PHP extensions : Apache 2.0, PHP V4 & V5, zlib, OpenSSL, OpenLDAP, expat, iconv, mod_jk, xml2, xslt, png, jpeg, freetype, bzip2, curl, imap, MySQL, PostgreSQL, mm.

Also includes a cute dependency diagram making clear the relationships between all these libraries.
ozone at cname dot com
15.01.2006 18:46
php >= 5.1.1 requires a fully GNU toolchain on solaris; /usr/ccs/bin/ld will fail to link. see bug 35496.
19.12.2005 19:48
If you have problems building php with sqlite on solaris, add "-lrt" library so you dont get the fdatasync undefined symbol error.
18.12.2004 5:11
Below was copied from a Sun Forum -- if having problems compiling on Solaris 10 try this:

Re: where is ctid_t defined? (Solaris 10)
Author: Juergen.Keil         Nov 17, 2004 10:37 AM (reply 1 of 10)    
ctid_t is defined in /usr/include/sys/types.h ("typedef id_t ctid_t;").

I guess what has happend is that you're using a gcc compiler that
was build on Solaris 9 (or some other Solaris release older than
Solaris 10 b69), and this gcc release has a set of "fixed" gcc specific
headers that don't match your s10b69 system headers any more.

The fix is to build a fresh set of gcc "fixed" headers:

# cd /opt/sfw/gcc-3/lib/gcc-lib/i386-pc-solaris2.9/3.3.2/install-tools/
# cat > mkheaders.conf
# ./mkheaders
xlark at sdf dot lonestar dot org
12.07.2003 4:48
If you do a "Core Install" of Solaris,  be sure you have installed the SUNWlibm and SUNWlibms packages.  PHP 4.2.3 fails to compile without them.

If you get errors with GCC about math.h, then you don't have them installed.
ejflores at alcatel dot es
3.07.2003 15:14
./configure not run fine with /usr/ucb/tr you need to install GNU textutils
ineves at iportalmais dot pt
7.03.2003 12:09
I have compiled php 4.2.3, on my solaris 9, sparc, it works, i have gcc 3.2.2, from, i have compiled with

./configure --prefix=/opt/php --with-apxs=/opt/apache/bin/apxs --with-pgsql=/opt/pgsql --with-imap=/usr/src/soft/imap-2002b --with-ldap --with-imap-ssl=/usr/local/ssl

It compiles, but when i try to run it says something like:

bash-2.05# /opt/apache/bin/apachectl start
Syntax error on line 205 of /opt/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /opt/apache/libexec/ into server: /opt/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file /opt/apache/libexec/ symbol ldap_start_tls_s: referenced symbol not found
/opt/apache/bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started

This means that the ldap librarys that came with solaris, are not very fine, you should use from packages...

it is using this library:

bash-2.05# ldd /opt/apache/libexec/
    ... =>  /usr/lib/

his one is from solaris installation.

(sorry about my english)
nicos at php dot net
6.01.2003 16:49
Note that you also need GNU sed or you'll have some errors lile "Output line too long."
m at hackerz dot uk dot co
15.10.2002 18:49
Compiled Ok on Solaris 9 after the addition of Bison Flex automake and autoconf, adding /usr/local/bin to the path and linking /usr/ccs/bin/ar to /usr/local/bin/ar.
php at woodNO-SPAMstea dot com
26.06.2002 20:15
Howard Glynn's post from May 22 is right on - if you're running Solaris 8, make sure you get the latest Recommended patch cluster. I've been struggling with that library problem that happens when you start Apache for several weeks, tweaking the config, setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc. I couldn't believe that the PHP developers wouldn't have the Solaris build right - seems like a fairly important OS. But the latest Solaris patch cluster fixed the problem, so I guess it was my fault for not being up to date. I'm running PHP 4.2.1 now with Apache 2.0.36, works great.
ltfrench at vt dot edu
9.06.2002 23:09
To get PHP 4.2.0 or better to make on Solaris 8 (using gcc and gnu autoconf) you need to:
ln -s /usr/local/bin/gcc /usr/local/bin/cc

howardglynn at hotmail dot com
22.05.2002 19:26
I've had a lot of problems with "dn_skipname" reference errors when trying to do a php / apache shared-library install on solaris 8. All compiling was clean, but could not restart apache with mod_php. After much trial and error, I found a solution by installing patch 109326-07 which has some fixes for resolver (I think). I had one web server without the patch, and one with it, and was able to show the same commands compiling, working and restarting on one, but not the other. Installed patch on machine, compiled clean and was up and running after doing this. Works great. Get the patch from
gsmith1 at iupui dot edu
4.04.2002 2:35
Loading 4.1.2 on solaris 8 in C shell with mysql 4.0.1 I kept running into file not found errors by ld during make.  A specific error relating to adding mysql was solved by adding the following environment variable:
setenv LD_RUN_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/mysql/lib
shane dot kinsch at netracorp dot comNOSPAM
17.02.2002 21:49
PHP 4.1.1 / Apache 1.32 Buile Issues (Solaris 2.8)

Apache build options:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/etc/apache --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=rewrite

PHP build options:
./configure --with-mysql=/usr/local/etc/mysql --with-apxs=/usr/local/etc/apache/bin/apxs

Both Apache and PHP compiled without errors and installed cleanly.

The Error when starting Apache:
Syntax error on line 208 of /usr/local/etc/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/etc/apache/libexec/ into server: /usr/local/etc/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/etc/apache/libexec/ symbol dn_skipname: referenced symbol not found ./apachectl start: httpd could not be started

Line 208 in the httpd.conf file is:
LoadModule php4_module        libexec/

The solution:
For some reason, even though LD_LIBRARY_PATH was being set properly,
it wasn't being read fully.  You will need to create a runtime
linking environment by doing this:

#crle -c /var/ld/ld.config -l /usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/etc/mysql/lib

Shane Kinsch
NetraCorp LLC / SecurNET Consulting
Louis at ewens dot com
23.06.2001 4:39
On Solaris, if upon starting Apache you get an error like this:

Syntax error on line 33 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load /usr/local/apache/libexec/ into server: /usr/loca
l/apache/bin/httpd: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory
./apachectl start: httpd could not be started

..try inserting the following lines into the configuration section of your apachectl startup shell script:


Change the /usr/local/mysql/ prefix to where ever your MySQL installation is. Make sure to add on the /lib/mysql extension to your own path though.

Do your normal "apachectl start" command to start Apache and voila, no more error. Apachectl can be found in the bin directory of your Apache installation.
cullin at cometsystems dot com
23.01.2001 5:59
When compiling and installing on Solaris, you might encounter a but that occurs only when you try and start apache - in otherwords, the module compiles fine but it won't run!  The specific error is that it can't find a symbol called "__muldi3". From what I can tell, this is an internal symbol created by gcc and the problem happens when you compile the code with gcc and then use a different linker.

To fix the problem, make sure that there is only one 'ld' program in your $PATH and that you also specify '--with-gnu-ld' in your configuration.

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