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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The SimpleXMLElement class




(PHP 5 >= 5.0.1)

SimpleXMLElement::attributesIdentifies an element's attributes


public SimpleXMLElement SimpleXMLElement::attributes ([ string $ns = NULL [, bool $is_prefix = false ]] )

This function provides the attributes and values defined within an xml tag.

Hinweis: SimpleXML definiert für die meisten Methoden Regeln für das Hinzufügen von iterativen Eigenschaften. Diese können weder mit var_dump() oder auf andere Weise angezeigt werden.



An optional namespace for the retrieved attributes


Default to FALSE


Returns a SimpleXMLElement object that can be iterated over to loop through the attributes on the tag.

Returns NULL if called on a SimpleXMLElement object that already represents an attribute and not a tag.


Beispiel #1 Interpret an XML string

= <<<XML
 <foo name="one" game="lonely">1</foo>

$xml simplexml_load_string($string);
$xml->foo[0]->attributes() as $a => $b) {

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alan at performantsystems dot com
24.05.2010 7:26
So lets say you have database type data in an XML string called $xmlstring with the key or item ID as an XML Attribute and all content data as regular XML Elements, as above. SimpleXML processes the Attributes as an array, so we can play along and push the Attributes into an array. Then we can get the value of any specific Attribute we want by addressing it by name, such as "ID".

Considering this data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <item ID="30001">
      <Company>Navarro Corp.</Company>
   <item ID="30002">
      <Company>Performant Systems</Company>
   <item ID="30003">
      <Company>Digital Showcase</Company>

Example of listing both the ID Attribute and Company Element values:
= new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstring);
foreach (
$xmlObject->children() as $node) {
$arr = $node->attributes();   // returns an array
print ("ID=".$arr["ID"]);     // get the value of this attribute
print ("  Company=".$node->Company);
        print (
11.04.2010 4:46
It is really simple to access attributes using array form. However, you must convert them to strings or ints if you plan on passing the values to functions.

SimpleXMLElement Object
attributes] => Array
id] => 55555

text] => "hello world"

Then using a function

function xml_attribute($object, $attribute)
        return (string)

I can get the "id" like this

print xml_attribute($xml, 'id'); //prints "55555"
gillllberg at gmail dot com
4.11.2009 23:21
To get an attribute in the node, use node->attributes()->attributeName
skerr at mojavi dot org
10.12.2004 7:55
You can also access the node as an array to get attributes:


= simplexml_load_file('file.xml');

'Attribute: ' . $xml['attribute'];

inge at elektronaut dot no
26.05.2004 19:53
here's a simple function to get an attribute by name, based on the example

function findAttribute($object, $attribute) {
$object->attributes() as $a => $b) {
    if (
$a == $attribute) {
$return = $b;
$return) {

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