(PHP 5)
snmp_read_mib — Reads and parses a MIB file into the active MIB tree
Diese Funktion ist bis jetzt nicht dokumentiert. Es steht nur die Liste der Argumente zur Verfügung.
If you are trying to import mibs with dependencies on other mibs you will have to set the MIBDIRS environment variable.
Unix / Linux: export MIBDIRS=/home/<user>/MIBS:/usr/share/snmp/mibs
Window: Good luck! No really. Try this url out. It has everything that you need to know about setting environment vars in windows.
Importing massive Mibs located in a directory
/******************** Loading Mibs **************/
if ($handle = opendir($mib_path))
{ echo "Directory handle: $handle <br>";
echo "Files: <br>";
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)))
{ if($file!='.')
{ if($file!='..')
{ echo "Read : ";
echo "$mib_path.$file";
if(snmp_read_mib($mib_path.'\\'.$file)) echo " Succesful <br>";
else echo " Failed <br>";