PHP Doku:: Updates record in paradox database - function.px-update-record.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Paradox Funktionen




(PECL paradox >= 1.4.0)

px_update_recordUpdates record in paradox database


bool px_update_record ( resource $pxdoc , array $data , int $num )

Updates an exiting record in the database. The record starts at 0.

The record data is passed as an array of field values. The elements in the array must correspond to the fields in the database. If the array has less elements than fields in the database, the remaining fields will be set to null.


This function is only available if pxlib >= 0.6.0 is used.



Resource identifier of the paradox database as returned by px_new().


Associated array containing the field values as returned by px_retrieve_record().


The record number is an artificial number counting records in the order as they are stored in the database. The first record has number 0.


Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.

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px_insert_record() - Inserts record into paradox database

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