(PECL printer SVN)
printer_write — Sendet Daten an den Drucker
Sendet content direkt an den Drucker. Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.
handle muss ein gültiger Druckerhandler sein.
Beispiel #1 printer_write() Beispiel
$handle = printer_open();
printer_write($handle, "Text der gedruckt wird");
To "statline" below:
Please read http://php.net/printer regarding the printer package _not_ being a part of PHP but a PECL extension and only working in a Windows environment.
You need to download and install the php_printer.dll!
couldn't allocate the printerjob [1804] - error on windows 2000
I was printing in several places in one module, and kept getting this error after just two printer_write()'s. It was solved by printing everything into a buffer first, then calling printer_write() just once.
$_SESSION['PrintBuffer']=''; //printer buffer
$handle=printer_open("EPSON TM-T88III Receipt");
printer_set_option($handle, PRINTER_MODE, "RAW");
printer_write($handle, $_SESSION['PrintBuffer']);
//print $_SESSION['PrintBuffer']; //for testing
If you need printer_write you must to change the datatype:
printer_set_option($handle, PRINTER_MODE, "RAW");