(PHP 4, PHP 5)
odbc_autocommit — Ändert das Autocommit-Verhalten
Ohne den Parameter OnOff gibt odbc_autocommit() den aktuellen autocommit-Status für die Datenbankverbindung connection_id zurück. Wenn autocommit aktiviert ist, wird TRUE zurückgeliefert, FALSE wenn es deaktiviert ist oder ein Fehler auftritt.
In der Standardeinstellung ist autocommit für eine Datenbankverbindung aktiviert. Das Deaktivieren von autocommit enspricht dem Durchführen einer Transaktion.
Siehe auch odbc_commit() und odbc_rollback().
If you are using persistent connections (odbc_pconnect rather than odbc_connect) the next script that reuses the connection will inherit your changes to autocommit.
Hi (i'm belgian then sorry for my english).
I think you can do more simple to check the errors :
$conn = odbc_connect($odbc,$user,$password)
or die($error);
odbc_autocommit($conn, FALSE);
odbc_exec($conn, $query1);
odbc_exec($conn, $query2);
if (!odbc_error())
I'm not sure it's better to use odbc_error() than
odbc_error($conn). It seems to be the same result.
using autocommit functionality to rollback transactions in a "workspace"
$conn = odbc_connection("$DSN","USER","PASS");
//turns off autocommit
$query1 = "some SQL";
$query2 = "some more SQL";
$ErrorCount = 0;
//if odbc_exec fails it will increment the $ErrorCount
$result = odbc_exec($conn,$query1) or $ErrorCount++;
$result2 = odbc_exec($conn,$query2) or $ErrorCount++;
//checking for errors, commit if none, rollback else
if ($Errorcount == 0){
echo "transaction successful";
echo "there were errors processing the transaction.
No changes were made to the database";
It seems that example made by andrea dot galli at acotel dot com works exactly the contrary.
It sets autocommit OFF and NOT ON like it's written inside note!
If a transaction is started (autocommit disabled) while there is an active result id on the connection, odbc_autocommit will post a warning (Cannot set autocommit). Use odbc_free_result to clear the result id's or start the transaction before you execute the SQL.
Example: set autocommit on
$Link_ID = odbc_connect("DSN", "user", "pass");
$Return = odbc_autocommit($Link_ID, FALSE);
When used in a odbc_fetch loop your selected resultset is lost and loop ends.