PHP Doku:: Returns SQLSTATE error from previous statement operation - function.maxdb-stmt-sqlstate.html

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Doku-StartseitePHP-HandbuchFunktionsreferenzDatenbankerweiterungenAnbieterspezifische DatenbankerweiterungenMaxDBMaxDB Funktionenmaxdb_stmt_sqlstate

Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

MaxDB Funktionen

<<maxdb_stmt_send_long_data -- maxdb_stmt::send_long_data

maxdb_stmt_store_result -- maxdb::store_result>>


(PECL maxdb >= 1.0)

maxdb_stmt_sqlstateReturns SQLSTATE error from previous statement operation


string maxdb_stmt_sqlstate ( resource $stmt )

Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the most recently invoked prepared statement function that can succeed or fail. The error code consists of five characters. '00000' means no error. The values are specified by ANSI SQL and ODBC.


Note that not all MaxDB errors are yet mapped to SQLSTATE's. The value HY000 (general error) is used for unmapped errors.


Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE error code for the last error. The error code consists of five characters. '00000' means no error.


Beispiel #1 Object oriented style

/* Open a connection */
$maxdb = new maxdb("localhost""MONA""RED""DEMODB");

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

$maxdb->query("CREATE TABLE temp.mycity LIKE");
$maxdb->query("INSERT INTO temp.mycity SELECT * FROM");

$query "SELECT name, zip FROM temp.mycity ORDER BY name";
if (
$stmt $maxdb->prepare($query)) {

/* drop table */
$maxdb->query("DROP TABLE temp.mycity");

/* execute query */

printf("Error: %s.\n"$stmt->sqlstate);

/* close statement */

/* close connection */

Beispiel #2 Procedural style

/* Open a connection */
$link maxdb_connect("localhost""MONA""RED""DEMODB");

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

maxdb_query($link"CREATE TABLE temp.mycity LIKE");
maxdb_query($link"INSERT INTO temp.mycity SELECT * FROM");

$query "SELECT name, zip FROM temp.mycity ORDER BY name";
if (
$stmt maxdb_prepare($link$query)) {

/* drop table */
maxdb_query($link"DROP TABLE temp.mycity");

/* execute query */

printf("Error: %s.\n"maxdb_stmt_sqlstate($stmt));

/* close statement */

/* close connection */

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

Warning: maxdb_stmt_execute(): -4004 POS(23) Unknown table name:MYCITY [42000] <...>
Error: 42000.

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