PHP Doku:: Vertauscht alle Schlüssel mit ihren zugehörigen Werten in einem Array - function.array-flip.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Array Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

array_flipVertauscht alle Schlüssel mit ihren zugehörigen Werten in einem Array


array array_flip ( array $trans )

array_flip() gibt ein Array in vertauschter Reihenfolge aus, d.h. die Schlüssel von trans werden zu Werten und die Werte von trans werden zu Schlüsseln.

Beachten Sie, dass die Werte von trans gültige Schlüssel sein müssen, d.h. sie müssen entweder Integer oder String sein. Ist ein Wert vom falschen Typ, so wird eine Warnung ausgegeben, und das Schlüssel/Wert-Paar wird nicht vertauscht.

Kommt ein Wert mehrmals vor, so wird der letzte Schlüssel als Wert verwendet und alle anderen Werte gehen verloren.



Ein Array mit Schlüssel/Wertpaaren die vertauscht werden sollen.


Gibt im Erfolgsfall das vertauschte Array zurück und im Fehlerfall NULL.


Beispiel #1 array_flip()-Beispiel

$original strtr($str$trans);

Beispiel #2 array_flip()-Beispiel: Kollision

= array("a" => 1"b" => 1"c" => 2);
$trans array_flip($trans);

nun ist $trans:

    [1] => b
    [2] => c

Siehe auch

  • array_values() - Liefert alle Werte eines Arrays
  • array_keys() - Liefert alle Schlüssel oder eine Teilmenge aller Schlüssel eines Arrays
  • array_reverse() - Liefert ein Array mit umgekehrter Reihenfolge der Elemente

7 BenutzerBeiträge:
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12.09.2010 22:11
this function can be used to remove null elements form an array:

= array(null,'1','2',null,'3',null);
    [0] =>
    [1] => 1
    [2] => 2
    [3] =>
    [4] => 3
    [5] =>

    [1] => 1
    [2] => 2
    [4] => 3
Hayley Watson
20.03.2009 11:22
Finding the longest string in an array?

function longest_string_in_array($array)
$mapping = array_combine($array, array_map('strlen', $array));
array_keys($mapping, max($mapping));

Differences are obvious: returns an array of [i]all[/i] of the longest strings, instead of just picking one arbitrarily. Doesn't do the stripslashing or magic stuff because that's another job for for another function.
dan at aoindustries dot com
7.03.2009 21:48
From an algorithmic efficiency standpoint, building an entire array of lengths to then sort to only retrieve the longest value is unnecessary work.  The following should be O(n) instead of O(n log n).  It could also be:

function get_longest_value($array) {
// Some don't like to initialize, I do
$longest = NULL;
$longestLen = -1;
    foreach (
$array $value) {
$len = strlen($value);
$len>$longestLen) {
$longest = $value;
$longestLen = $len;
$longest = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $longest);
    if (
get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return stripslashes($longest); }
corz at corz dot org
8.12.2008 10:36
    Fun function to return the longest physical *value* from an array.

    Culled from a small script designed to capture the longest $_POST variable,
    usually the textarea, which would then be dumped to a "emergency post dump file".

    corz at corz dot org

$array = array("input" => "submit", "textarea" => "Some long spiel of text\r\na textarea, probably",
"another-input" => "make me longer", "and" => "another", "etc" => "etc.");

'<!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM><html><head><title>long</title></head><body><pre>Longest value: ',

get_longest_value($array) {
    foreach (
$array as $key => $value) {
$lengths[$key] = strlen($value);
$lengths = array_flip($lengths);
$longest = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $array[array_pop($lengths)]);
    if (
get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return stripslashes($longest); }
pinkgothic at gmail dot com
26.04.2007 10:37
In case anyone is wondering how array_flip() treats empty arrays:


results in:


I wanted to know if it would return false and/or even chuck out an error if there were no key-value pairs to flip, despite being non-intuitive if that were the case. But (of course) everything works as expected. Just a head's up for the paranoid.
snaury at narod dot ru
23.11.2004 20:21
When you do array_flip, it takes the last key accurence for each value, but be aware that keys order in flipped array will be in the order, values were first seen in original array. For example, array:

    [1] => 1
    [2] => 2
    [3] => 3
    [4] => 3
    [5] => 2
    [6] => 1
    [7] => 1
    [8] => 3
    [9] => 3

After flipping will become:
(first seen value -> first key)

    [1] => 7
    [2] => 5
    [3] => 9

And not anything like this:
(last seen value -> last key)

    [2] => 5
    [1] => 7
    [3] => 9

In my application I needed to find five most recently commented entries. I had a sorted comment-id => entry-id array, and what popped in my mind is just do array_flip($array), and I thought I now would have last five entries in the array as most recently commented entry => comment pairs. In fact it wasn't (see above, as it is the order of values used). To achieve what I need I came up with the following (in case someone will need to do something like that):

First, we need a way to flip an array, taking the first encountered key for each of values in array. You can do it with:

  $array = array_flip(array_unique($array));

Well, and to achieve that "last comments" effect, just do:

  $array = array_reverse($array, true);
  $array = array_flip(array_unique($array));
  $array = array_reverse($array, true);

In the example from the very beginning array will become:

    [2] => 5
    [1] => 7
    [3] => 9

Just what I (and maybe you?) need. =^_^=
znailz at yahoo dot com
5.08.2003 23:42
I know a lot of people want a function to remove a key by value from an array. I saw solutions that iterate(!) though the whole array comparing value by value and then unsetting that value's key. PHP has a built-in function for pretty much everything (heard it will even cook you breakfast), so if you think "wouldn't it be cool if PHP had a function to do that...", odds are it already has. Check out this example. It takes a value, gets all keys for that value if it has duplicates, unsets them all, and returns a reindexed array.

= array(11,12,13,12);        // sample array
$arr = array_flip($arr);
$arr = array(array_keys($arr));

$arr contains:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 11
            [1] => 13


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