(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5)
apache_request_headers — Liefert alle HTTP-Requestheader
Liefert alle HTTP-Requestheader von der aktuellen Anfrage.
Diese Funktion wird nur unterstützt, wenn PHP als Apache-Modul installiert wurde.
Ein assoziatives Array aller HTTP-Header der aktuellen Anfrage, im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.
Version | Beschreibung |
4.3.3 |
4.3.0 | Vor PHP 4.3.0 hieß apache_request_headers() getallheaders(). Seit PHP 4.3.0 ist gettallheaders() ein Alias für apache_request_headers(). |
Beispiel #1 apache_request_headers()-Beispiel
$headers = apache_request_headers();
foreach ($headers as $header => $value) {
echo "$header: $value <br />\n";
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:
Accept: */* Accept-Language: en-us Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 Host: www.example.com Connection: Keep-Alive
Die Werte der gebräuchlichsten CGI-Variablen können Sie auch durch das Auslesen der Umgebungsvariablen erhalten. Dieser Weg funktioniert unabhängig davon, ob Sie PHP als Modul für Apache benutzen. Verwenden Sie phpinfo(), um eine Liste aller zur Verfügung stehenden Umgebungsvariablen zu erhalten.
There is a simple way to get request headers from Apache even on PHP running as a CGI. As far as I know, it's the only way to get the headers "If-Modified-Since" and "If-None-Match" when apache_request_headers() isn't available. You need mod_rewrite, which most web hosts seem to have enabled. Put this in an .htacess file in your web root:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE:%{HTTP:If-Modified-Since}]
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH:%{HTTP:If-None-Match}]
The headers are then available in PHP as
I've tested this on PHP/5.1.6, on both Apache/2.2.3/Win32 and Apache/2.0.54/Unix, and it works perfectly.
Note: if you use RewriteRules already for clean URLs, you need to put the above rules AFTER your existing ones.
The following code will implement an approximation of apache_request_headers for lighttpd making most scripts that use the function portable between the two platforms.
Caveats are:
1. This function will convert any _ in a header key to a -
2. This function will capitalize the first character and first character after each hyphen in each header key and lower case the rest of the key.
This does not cause a problem with standard headers which are capitalized in this manner but may cause custom headers to appear in a different case to apache.
if (!function_exists('apache_request_headers')) {
function apache_request_headers() {
foreach($_SERVER as $key=>$value) {
if (substr($key,0,5)=="HTTP_") {
$key=str_replace(" ","-",ucwords(strtolower(str_replace("_"," ",substr($key,5)))));
return $out;
I didn't found a replacement for apache_request_headers() in PHP::Compat (http://pear.php.net/package/PHP_Compat) so I wrote my own:
if( !function_exists('apache_request_headers') ) {
function apache_request_headers() {
$arh = array();
$rx_http = '/\AHTTP_/';
foreach($_SERVER as $key => $val) {
if( preg_match($rx_http, $key) ) {
$arh_key = preg_replace($rx_http, '', $key);
$rx_matches = array();
// do some nasty string manipulations to restore the original letter case
// this should work in most cases
$rx_matches = explode('_', $arh_key);
if( count($rx_matches) > 0 and strlen($arh_key) > 2 ) {
foreach($rx_matches as $ak_key => $ak_val) $rx_matches[$ak_key] = ucfirst($ak_val);
$arh_key = implode('-', $rx_matches);
$arh[$arh_key] = $val;
return( $arh );