(PHP 5)
DOMDocument::createComment — Create new comment node
This function creates a new instance of class DOMComment. Dieser Knoten wird in Ihrem Dokument nicht sichtbar sein, bis dieser zum Beispiel mit der Funktion DOMNode->appendChild() eingefügt wird.
The content of the comment.
The new DOMComment or FALSE if an error occured.
To prevent a parser error when the comment string would contain the character sequence "--", do this:
$CommentString = 'This contains -- some weird -- characters.';
$CommentNode = $DomDocument->createComment(
str_replace('--', '-'.chr(194).chr(173).'-', $CommentString)
This will insert a Soft Hyphen in between the two hyphens which will not cause the parser to error out.
Use caution: this function does NOT escape, encode, or otherwise change the contents of the string.
This means that if your string contains two hyphens in a row (--), that will *end* the comment, which can easily create invalid XML when the document is serialized.