(PECL sphinx >= 0.1.0)
SphinxClient::setGeoAnchor — Set anchor point for a geosphere distance calculations
Sets anchor point for a geosphere distance (geodistance) calculations and enables them.
Once an anchor point is set, you can use magic "@geodist" attribute name in your filters and/or sorting expressions.
Name of a latitude attribute.
Name of a longitude attribute.
Anchor latitude in radians.
Anchor longitude in radians.
Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.
When sorting on @geodist you have to use SetSortMode with SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, like below, if SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC does not seem to work.
$sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, '@geodist ASC');