PHP Doku:: Installation - rar.installation.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.





Rar is currently available through PECL »

Also you can use the PECL installer to install the Rar extension, using the following command: pecl -v install rar.

You can always download the tar.gz package and install Rar by hand:

Beispiel #1 Rar installation

gunzip rar-xxx.tgz
tar -xvf rar-xxx.tar
cd rar-xxx
./configure && make && make install

Windows users will enable php_rar.dll inside of php.ini in order to use these functions. Eine DLL-Datei für diese PECL-Erweiterung steht derzeit nicht zur Verfügung. Weitere Details finden Sie im Abschnitt zum Kompilieren für Windows.

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cristianbzdg at botosani dot ro
28.11.2010 5:21
After installing RAR 2.0.0 extension in PHP 5.3.3 on OpenSUSE 11.3 using pecl command line, i had to enable it by creating a file named
which contains this line

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