Rar is currently available through PECL » http://pecl.php.net/package/rar.
Also you can use the PECL installer to install the Rar extension, using the following command: pecl -v install rar.
You can always download the tar.gz package and install Rar by hand:
Beispiel #1 Rar installation
gunzip rar-xxx.tgz tar -xvf rar-xxx.tar cd rar-xxx phpize ./configure && make && make install
Windows users will enable php_rar.dll inside of php.ini in order to use these functions. Eine DLL-Datei für diese PECL-Erweiterung steht derzeit nicht zur Verfügung. Weitere Details finden Sie im Abschnitt zum Kompilieren für Windows.
After installing RAR 2.0.0 extension in PHP 5.3.3 on OpenSUSE 11.3 using pecl command line, i had to enable it by creating a file named
which contains this line