PHP Doku:: Returns true if the phar archive can be modified - phar.iswritable.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The Phar class





Phar::isWritableReturns true if the phar archive can be modified


bool Phar::isWritable ( void )

This method returns TRUE if phar.readonly is 0, and the actual phar archive on disk is not read-only.


No parameters.


Returns TRUE if the phar archive can be modified

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kristof dot coomans at telenet dot be
23.04.2009 15:08
It might be not expected, but this function will return true if the file does not exist yet even if the directory is read-only. Tested on PHP 5.3.0 RC 1.

I have buffering on and when I call stopBuffering() then the "failed to open stream: Permission denied" PharException will be thrown.

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