PHP Doku:: Fetch an OAuth protected resource - oauth.fetch.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The OAuth class




(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1)

OAuth::fetchFetch an OAuth protected resource


public mixed OAuth::fetch ( string $protected_resource_url [, array $extra_parameters [, string $http_method [, array $http_headers ]]] )

Fetch a resource.



URL to the OAuth protected resource.


Extra parameters to send with the request for the resource.


One of the OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_* OAUTH constants, which includes GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, or DELETE.

HEAD (OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_HEAD) can be useful for discovering information prior to the request (if OAuth credentials are in the Authorization header).


HTTP client headers (such as User-Agent, Accept, etc.)


Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.


Version Beschreibung
1.0.0 Gab früher bei einem Fehler NULL anstelle von FALSE zurück.
0.99.5 The http_method parameter was added
0.99.8 The http_headers parameter was added


Beispiel #1 OAuth::fetch() example

try {
$oauth = new OAuth("consumer_key","consumer_secret",OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1,OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_AUTHORIZATION);


$response_info $oauth->getLastResponseInfo();
header("Content-Type: {$response_info["content_type"]}");
} catch(
OAuthException $E) {
"Exception caught!\n";
"Response: "$E->lastResponse "\n";

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Lyuben Penkovski (l_penkovski at yahoo dot com)
27.08.2010 8:51
If the provider's web server is configured to use Keep-Alive extension to HTTP protocol (HTTP 1.1), there can be a big delay in the response time from the provider. By default Apache is configured to use Keep-Alive for 5 seconds. This is the delay after which the response will come back to the consumer. If you have this issue of delayed result, you can pass in HTTP headers when calling $consumer->fetch():

= new OAuth("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", OAUTH_SIG_METHOD_HMACSHA1, OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_FORM);
$consumer->fetch('', null, OAUTH_HTTP_METHOD_POST, array('Connection'=>'close'));

Then the provider will send the result immediately after it's ready with the processing and the connection will be closed. Unfortunately, when calling $consumer->getRequestToken() and $consumer->getAccessToken() there's no way provided to pass in HTTP headers and this delay (if present) cannot be avoided, or at least we could not find a way to avoid it.

The solution that worked for us is to send this header from the provider when returning result to the consumer:

= 'oauth_callback_accepted=true&oauth_token=' . $this->urlencode($token->oauth_token) .

header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
header('Content-Length: '.strlen($result));
header('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded');

This can work if you have the possibility to modify the code of the provider, e.g. if you are the provider yourself or if you can talk with the people that develop it and ask them to send this header for your request.

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