(PHP 4 >= 4.1.0, PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PECL zip >= 1.0.0)
zip_open — Öffnet ein ZIP-Archiv
Der Name der zu öffnenden ZIP-Datei.
Gibt einen Dateizeiger für die spätere Verwendung mit zip_read() und zip_close() zurück. Ist filename nicht vorhanden oder tritt ein anderer Fehler auf, wird die Fehlernummer zurückgegeben.
getting a mozilla addon version (a firefox extension, for instance):
function get_addon_version($path)
// open zip
$zip = zip_open($path);
// find entry
do {
$entry = zip_read($zip);
} while ($entry && zip_entry_name($entry) != "install.rdf");
// open entry
zip_entry_open($zip, $entry, "r");
// read entry
$entry_content = zip_entry_read($entry, zip_entry_filesize($entry));
// position of <em:version>
$version_open_pos = strpos($entry_content, "<em:version>");
// position of </em:version>
$version_close_pos = strpos($entry_content, "</em:version>", $version_open_pos);
// version
$version = substr(
$version_open_pos + strlen("<em:version>"),
$version_close_pos - ($version_open_pos + strlen("<em:version>"))
// close entry
// close zip
return $version;
my basic extract zip file function
function ezip($zip, $hedef = '')
$zip = zip_open($root . $zip);
while($zip_icerik = zip_read($zip)):
$zip_dosya = zip_entry_name($zip_icerik);
if(strpos($zip_dosya, '.')):
$hedef_yol = $root . $hedef . 'x/'.$zip_dosya;
$yeni_dosya = fopen($hedef_yol, 'w+');
fwrite($yeni_dosya, zip_entry_read($zip_icerik));
@mkdir($root . $hedef . 'x/'.$zip_dosya);
ezip('files.zip', 'unzip_files/');
Note that the Zip functions return an integer error number in the event of error. So:
$zip = zip_open($file);
if ($zip) {
is incorrect. Instead use:
$zip = zip_open($file);
if (is_resource($zip)) {
In response to saulius at solmetra dot lt:
In my testing I have found that PHP treats odf and ods files as zip archives, and probably others. Therefore, is_resource returns true when you try to open these files as a zip. For that reason I think is_resource is not a good way to determine if a file is a zip.
Note, this function ignores custom stream wrappers, like the ones created by stream_wrapper_register - which is really too bad.
If you want to simply extract a strain of a zip file, then use this func. Maybe it helps:
* This method unzips a directory within a zip-archive
* @author Florian 'x!sign.dll' Wolf
* @license LGPL v2 or later
* @link http://www.xsigndll.de
* @link http://www.clansuite.com
function extractZip( $zipFile = '', $dirFromZip = '' )
$zipDir = getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$zip = zip_open($zipDir.$zipFile);
if ($zip)
while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip))
$completePath = $zipDir . dirname(zip_entry_name($zip_entry));
$completeName = $zipDir . zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
// Walk through path to create non existing directories
// This won't apply to empty directories ! They are created further below
if(!file_exists($completePath) && preg_match( '#^' . $dirFromZip .'.*#', dirname(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)) ) )
$tmp = '';
foreach(explode('/',$completePath) AS $k)
$tmp .= $k.'/';
if(!file_exists($tmp) )
@mkdir($tmp, 0777);
if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r"))
if( preg_match( '#^' . $dirFromZip .'.*#', dirname(zip_entry_name($zip_entry)) ) )
if ($fd = @fopen($completeName, 'w+'))
fwrite($fd, zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)));
// We think this was an empty directory
mkdir($completeName, 0777);
return true;
// The call to exctract a path within the zip file
extractZip( 'clansuite.zip', 'core/filters' );
See this class to make, read Infos or extract ZIP archive.
see EasyArchive.class.php on http://ajaxbrowser.free.fr/ to manage like that ZIP, GZIP, BZIP and TAR archive.
$ARCHIVE = new zip;
$ARCHIVE->makeZip('./','./toto.zip'); // make an ZIP archive
var_export($ARCHIVE->infosZip('./toto.zip'), false); // get infos of this ZIP archive (without files content)
var_export($ARCHIVE->infosZip('./toto.zip')); // get infos of this ZIP archive (with files content)
$ARCHIVE->extractZip('./toto.zip', './1/'); //
class zip
public function infosZip ($src, $data=true)
if (($zip = zip_open(realpath($src))))
while (($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)))
$path = zip_entry_name($zip_entry);
if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r"))
$content[$path] = array (
'Ratio' => zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry) ? round(100-zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry) / zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)*100, 1) : false,
'Size' => zip_entry_compressedsize($zip_entry),
'NormalSize' => zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
if ($data)
$content[$path]['Data'] = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry));
$content[$path] = false;
return $content;
return false;
public function extractZip ($src, $dest)
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open($src)===true)
return true;
return false;
public function makeZip ($src, $dest)
$zip = new ZipArchive;
$src = is_array($src) ? $src : array($src);
if ($zip->open($dest, ZipArchive::CREATE) === true)
foreach ($src as $item)
if (file_exists($item))
$this->addZipItem($zip, realpath(dirname($item)).'/', realpath($item).'/');
return true;
return false;
private function addZipItem ($zip, $racine, $dir)
if (is_dir($dir))
$zip->addEmptyDir(str_replace($racine, '', $dir));
$lst = scandir($dir);
foreach ($lst as $item)
$this->addZipItem($zip, $racine, $dir.$item.(is_dir($dir.$item)?'/':''));
elseif (is_file($dir))
$zip->addFile($dir, str_replace($racine, '', $dir));
@bisqwit at iki dot fi: If you're using older versions of PHP this skript might only read the first 8192 bytes. Great thing, anyway!
Some older PHP versions used to return false if zip_open failed, and newer versions return the number of error (as integer), so instead of this:
$zip = zip_open($zip_file);
if ($zip) {
// consider zip file opened successfully
use this:
$zip = zip_open($zip_file);
if (is_resource($zip)) {
// consider zip file opened successfully
You may also use this function to get the error message by it's number:
function zipFileErrMsg($errno) {
// using constant name as a string to make this function PHP4 compatible
$zipFileFunctionsErrors = array(
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_MULTIDISK' => 'Multi-disk zip archives not supported.',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_RENAME' => 'Renaming temporary file failed.',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_CLOSE' => 'Closing zip archive failed',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_SEEK' => 'Seek error',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_READ' => 'Read error',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_WRITE' => 'Write error',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_CRC' => 'CRC error',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_ZIPCLOSED' => 'Containing zip archive was closed',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_NOENT' => 'No such file.',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_EXISTS' => 'File already exists',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_OPEN' => 'Can\'t open file',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_TMPOPEN' => 'Failure to create temporary file.',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_ZLIB' => 'Zlib error',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_MEMORY' => 'Memory allocation failure',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_CHANGED' => 'Entry has been changed',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_COMPNOTSUPP' => 'Compression method not supported.',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_EOF' => 'Premature EOF',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INVAL' => 'Invalid argument',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_NOZIP' => 'Not a zip archive',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INTERNAL' => 'Internal error',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_INCONS' => 'Zip archive inconsistent',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_REMOVE' => 'Can\'t remove file',
'ZIPARCHIVE::ER_DELETED' => 'Entry has been deleted',
$errmsg = 'unknown';
foreach ($zipFileFunctionsErrors as $constName => $errorMessage) {
if (defined($constName) and constant($constName) === $errno) {
return 'Zip File Function error: '.$errorMessage;
return 'Zip File Function error: unknown';
$zip = zip_open($zip_file);
if (!is_resource($zip)) {
I tried the replacement hack above on Windows2k, here
are some fixes needed:
return "'".str_replace("'", "'\''", $s)."'";
return '"'.str_replace("'", "'\''", $s).'"';
if($line[0]=='-') { $ok=!$ok; continue; }
if($line[2]=='-') { $ok=!$ok; continue; }
$contents[] = Array('name' => $fn, 'length' => $length);
array_push($contents, Array('name' => $fn, 'length' => $length));
For bisqwit at iki dot fi solution of alternative functions there's just one problem when trying to read the file thats because some bug in fread when handling from popen so it just load 8192 bytes here's the function corrected.
function zip_entry_read(&$res, $nbytes)
while ($s = fgets($res['fp'],1024)) {
$data .= $s;
return $data;
Function zip_entry_read() written by "bisqwit at iki dot fi" has to be modified to read entire files:
function zip_entry_read(&$res, $nbytes) {
while (!feof($res['fp'])) {
$contents .= fread($res['fp'], $nbytes);
return $contents;
The zip_entry_read above is wrong. Since the file was opened with popen, you have to read the file in chunks, so zip_entry_read should read:
function zip_entry_read(&$res, $nbytes)
$contents = '';
while (!feof($res['fp'])) {
$contents .= fread($res['fp'], 8192);
return $contents;
Otherwise, it was a very useful library. Thanks!
If your PHP installation does not have the zip_open function, and you can't install it for whatever reason, you can use these functions instead, if the server has access to the "unzip" utility (most Linux systems do).
So far I have tested these only in Fedora Core 3.
Use at your own risk.
function ShellFix($s)
return "'".str_replace("'", "'\''", $s)."'";
function zip_open($s)
$fp = @fopen($s, 'rb');
if(!$fp) return false;
$lines = Array();
$cmd = 'unzip -v '.shellfix($s);
exec($cmd, $lines);
$contents = Array();
foreach($lines as $line)
if($line[0]=='-') { $ok=!$ok; continue; }
if(!$ok) continue;
$length = (int)$line;
$fn = trim(substr($line,58));
$contents[] = Array('name' => $fn, 'length' => $length);
Array('fp' => $fp,
'name' => $s,
'contents' => $contents,
'pointer' => -1);
function zip_read(&$fp)
if(!$fp) return false;
$next = $fp['pointer'] + 1;
if($next >= count($fp['contents'])) return false;
$fp['pointer'] = $next;
return $fp['contents'][$next];
function zip_entry_name(&$res)
if(!$res) return false;
return $res['name'];
function zip_entry_filesize(&$res)
if(!$res) return false;
return $res['length'];
function zip_entry_open(&$fp, &$res)
if(!$res) return false;
$cmd = 'unzip -p '.shellfix($fp['name']).' '.shellfix($res['name']);
$res['fp'] = popen($cmd, 'r');
return !!$res['fp'];
function zip_entry_read(&$res, $nbytes)
return fread($res['fp'], $nbytes);
function zip_entry_close(&$res)
function zip_close(&$fp)