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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

SSH2 Funktionen




(PECL ssh2 >= 0.9.0)

ssh2_auth_pubkey_fileAuthenticate using a public key


bool ssh2_auth_pubkey_file ( resource $session , string $username , string $pubkeyfile , string $privkeyfile [, string $passphrase ] )

Authenticate using a public key read from a file.



An SSH connection link identifier, obtained from a call to ssh2_connect().





If privkeyfile is encrypted (which it should be), the passphrase must be provided.


Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.


Beispiel #1 Authentication using a public key

ssh2_connect(''22, array('hostkey'=>'ssh-rsa'));

if (
'/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa''secret')) {
"Public Key Authentication Successful\n";
} else {
'Public Key Authentication Failed');

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20.05.2010 1:12
Setting up public key authentication:

1.  Login to the unix server you want to connect using putty.
2.  mkdir .ssh (there is a dot before ssh)
3.  cd .ssh
4.  ssh-keygen -t rsa mykey
5.  Enter passphrase as test
6.  ls -al -> you will find two files mykey ,
7.  cat >>authorized_keys
8.  cat mykey
9.  Copy what you get on screen to notepad and save it as "c:\mykey" (within quotes)
10.  cat
11.  Copy what you get on screen to notepad and save it as "c:\" (within quotes)


function my_ssh_disconnect($reason, $message, $language)
printf("Server disconnected with reason code [%d] and message: %s\n", $reason, $message);

//Open a connection forcing 3des-cbc when sending packets, any strength aes cipher when receiving packets, no compression in either direction, and Group1 key exchange.
$methods = array(
'kex' => 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1',
'client_to_server' => array(
'crypt' => 'aes256-cbc',
'comp' => 'none',
'mac' => 'hmac-sha1'),
'server_to_client' => array(
'crypt' => 'aes256-cbc',
'comp' => 'none',
'mac' => 'hmac-sha1'));

$callbacks = array('disconnect' => 'my_ssh_disconnect');

// Function to run a command on the unix server

function run_cmd($ssh_host, $user_name, $keyfilename, $ssh_command)
$connection = ssh2_connect($ssh_host, 22, $methods, $callbacks);
          if (!
$connection) die('Connection failed');
          if (
ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection, $user_name, $keyfilename.".pub", $keyfilename, 'test'))
"Public Key Authentication Successful as user: $user_name";
'Public Key Authentication Failed');

$stream = ssh2_exec($connection, $ssh_command);
stream_set_blocking($stream, true);
$line = stream_get_line($stream, 1024, "\n");
          while (!
$line.' ';
$line = stream_get_line($stream, 1024, "\n");
"Count : ".$i;

my_ssh_disconnect($reason, $message, $language)
printf("Server disconnected with reason code [%d] and message: %s\n",
$reason, $message);

// Main Code

$user_name = "USERID";
$keydir = "c:\\";
$search_string = 'needle';
$keyfilename= $keydir.'mykey';
$ssh_host = "";
$ssh_command = 'grep "'.$search_string.'" /haystack/*.log';
run_cmd($ssh_host, $user_name, $keyfilename, $ssh_command);

$ssh_command = 'ls -al';
run_cmd($ssh_host, $user_name, $keyfilename, $ssh_command);
gramo dot gnu at gmail dot com
30.10.2009 0:26
I had an anoyiing problem with this function, everytime I tried to make it run it responds with an

Authentication failed for <user> using public key

but when I try directly to connect to the server using
ssh <user>@<domain>
Things works fine...

After lots of intents I realize that local files were read protected from user apache (they were stored at /home/<user>/.ssh directory)

So, if you also have this problem, just make a new directory into a place where apache can read and place there the keys.

The whole thing I do is as follows (Linux & Apache both server and client):

First I create a directory where apache can read

mkdir ~/.newssh_keys
chmod 777 ~/.newssh_keys

(This is a security issue, so maybe you need to realize how to make it safer.)

Then I create keys into local server choosing ~/.newssh_keys/id_dsa as the file to save the key:

ssh-keygen -t dsa
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/<user>/.ssh/id_dsa): ~/.newssh_keys/id_dsa

Then I have to change permissions to private key
(This is a security issue, so maybe you need to realize how to make it safer.)

chmod 644 ~/.newssh_keys/id_dsa

I copy the public key into the server's .ssh directory
client$ scp <remoteuser>@<server_domain>:~/.ssh/

and then I connect myself to the server using traditional ssh in order to append the public key at the end of authorized_keys2 file

server$ cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2

and remove the public key in order to be clean
server$ rm ~/.ssh/

Finally I use this code into my php script

// This in order to be sure apache can read public key
// (remove this after debug)
$pub_key = file_get_contents('~/.newssh_keys/');

// This in order to check private one
// (remove this after debug)
$prv_key = file_get_contents('~/.newssh_keys/id_dsa');

// Finally the connection code
$connection = ssh2_connect('<server_domain>', 22, array('hostkey', 'ssh-dss'));
if (
ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection, '<server_user>',
'~/.newssh_keys/id_dsa')) {
"Public Key Authentication Successful\n";
} else {
"Public Key Authentication Failed";
wilhelm dot murdoch at gmail dot com
14.10.2009 1:49
It might be worth noting, as some of the parameter documentation for this method is missing, that the paths for both public and private key MUST be absolute.
11.03.2008 17:36
I tried for hours to have this function working under windows without sucess.

It seems that this function does not work with the 0.11 version of libssh2 but I'm not sure. What I'm sure is that it doesn't work with wamp or easyphp (or the last binary from pecl4win) and these three runs with v0.11.

Only solution seems to be linux (or another unix based distribution I guess), all has worked for me under linux with libssh2 v0.14. So if you're trying to have this function working under windows, just forget it for the moment.
tekiedude at gmail dot com
31.07.2007 22:45
This is probably incredibly insecure but if you are in a closed environment, you can run it at your own risk.

I was trying to get ssh access from server A to server B but server A was running apache as 'apache' and
I needed files on server B that were owned by root. So I needed some way for the apache user to connect
to server B as root.  Here's what I did (both servers running linux - specifically CentOS4):

1. ssh-keygen -t rsa -f id_rsa  generate with no passphrase
2. append the file to server B /root/.ssh/authorized_keys2
3. copy the id_rsa and files to a directory like /var/www/.ssh/
(happens to be apache's home dir on CentOS)
4. chown -R apache.apache /var/www/.ssh

Then you can connect like this:
$connection = ssh2_connect($server,22,array('hostkey'=>'ssh-rsa'));
if (ssh2_auth_pubkey_file($connection,'root',
'/var/www/.ssh/id_rsa')) {
echo "success!";
echo "no success :-(";
d23d23 at gmail dot com
16.02.2007 14:21
The public key must be on one line starting with the key type, 1 space and followed by the keydata (no newlines) and not followed by comments. This is a limitation of libssh2, so remove any excess data from the file after creating it with your key generation tools.

So it would look something like this:

ssh-rsa <keydata>
andyc at opensense dot com
6.06.2006 13:48
The key files need to be in OpenSSH's format.

For example the pubkey file should look like this:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAIEAo6uBphcbl
sTx4tEVPD6QOHs682OhUNX6sqSnHA8= rsa-key-20060606

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