PHP Doku:: Zeigt die aktuelle Konfiguration von magic_quotes_runtime - function.get-magic-quotes-runtime.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.





(PHP 4, PHP 5)

get_magic_quotes_runtime Zeigt die aktuelle Konfiguration von magic_quotes_runtime


Long get_magic_quotes_runtime ( void )

Zeigt die aktuelle Konfiguration von magic_quotes_runtime. (0 für aus, 1 für an).

Siehe auch get_magic_quotes_gpc() und set_magic_quotes_runtime().

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dipshrestha AT mail
21.08.2009 3:28
To add to what "php at nospam-qualystem dot com" has mentioned.

Some Japanese Encoding System (shift-jis) encode characters like 予 with ASCII pairs "975C". (5C is ASCII for backslash)

Thus when reading those characters from files (saved as shift-jis) in system with magic_quotes_runtime enabled, the characeter is turned into 予\  (equivalent ASCII "975C5C")

予定 is turned into 予\定
php at nospam-qualystem dot com
9.01.2003 14:48
get_magic_quotes runtime and set_magic_quotes_runtime are useful when you want to read some data in a binary file using fread() and some bytes in such file may be interpreted as \ (backslash), " (double quotes), ' (simple quote) or any "special" character that has a meaning for string processing.

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