PHP Doku:: Add an event to the set of monitored events - function.event_add.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Libevent Funktionen

<<Libevent Funktionen



(PECL libevent >= 0.0.1)

event_addAdd an event to the set of monitored events


bool event_add ( resource $event [, int $timeout = -1 ] )

event_add() schedules the execution of the event when the event specified in event_set() occurs or in at least the time specified by the timeout argument. If timeout was not specified, not timeout is set. The event must be already initalized by event_set() and event_base_set() functions. If the event already has a timeout set, it is replaced by the new one.



Valid event resource.


Optional timeout (in microseconds).


event_add() returns TRUE on success or FALSE on error.

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