PHP Doku:: Create a collator - collator.create.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The Collator class


Collator::getAttribute -- collator_get_attribute>>



(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PECL intl >= 1.0.0)

Collator::create -- collator_createCreate a collator


Object oriented style

static Collator Collator::create ( string $locale )

Procedural style

Collator collator_create ( string $locale )

The strings will be compared using the options already specified.



The locale containing the required collation rules. Special values for locales can be passed in - if null is passed for the locale, the default locale collation rules will be used. If empty string ("") or "root" are passed, UCA rules will be used.


Return new instance of Collator object, or NULL on error.


Beispiel #1 collator_create() example

collator_create'en_US' );

if( !isset( 
$coll ) ) {
printf"Collator creation failed: %s\n"intl_get_error_message() );

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