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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.





The SoapServer class


The SoapServer class provides a server for the » SOAP 1.1 and » SOAP 1.2 protocols. It can be used with or without a WSDL service description.


SoapServer {
/* Methoden */
void SoapServer::addFunction ( mixed $functions )
public void SoapServer::addSoapHeader ( SoapHeader $object )
public void SoapServer::fault ( string $code , string $string [, string $actor [, string $details [, string $name ]]] )
array getFunctions ( void )
void handle ([ string $soap_request ] )
void setClass ( string $class_name [, mixed $args [, mixed $... ]] )
public void SoapServer::setObject ( string $object )
void setPersistence ( int $mode )
SoapServer::SoapServer ( mixed $wsdl [, array $options ] )


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mikkel at nsales dot dk
3.06.2010 0:15
If you want to return a custom object array from a nusoap webservice, you have to cast the objects to arrays like so:

= array();
$res = $db_obj->fetch_row())
$user = new user();
$user->Id = $res['id'];
$user->Username = $res['username'];
$user->Email = $res['email'];
$users[] = (array) $user;

return (
junk2cm at gmx dot de
25.05.2010 9:54
As the SoapServer class lacks the possibility of dealing with SOAP-Headers, my following workaround is suitable to my needs when I had to do authentication via the SOAP-Headers:
1. Use a class which handles SOAP requests and let the constructor of this class take the sent headers.
2. Before invoking the SoapServer extract the SOAP-Header from the incoming raw data.
3. When using setClass pass the extracted header to the handling class.

In Your Server-Skript do things like this
= file_get_contents("php://input");
if (
strpos($hdr,'<s:Header>')===false) {
$hdr = null;
} else {
$hdr = explode('<s:Header>',$hdr);
$hdr = explode('</s:Header>',$hdr[1]);
$hdr = $hdr[0];
$srv = new SoapServer('Your_wsdl');

And the service class is like this:
class ServiceClass {

__construct($hdr) {
$this->IsAuthenticated = false;
        if (
$hdr!=null) {
$this->header = simplexml_load_string($hdr);
//Your authentication stuff goes here...
SomeFunctionOfTheService($a) {
        if (
$this->IsAuthenticated) {
//here Your function...

carlos dot vini at gmail dot com
20.05.2010 22:55
SoapServer does not support WSDL with literal/document. I have a class:

class My_Soap {
     * Returns Hello World.
     * @param string $world
     * @return string
public function getInterAdmins($world) {
'hello' . $world;

To fix this I had to create proxy class:
class My_Soap_LiteralDocumentProxy {
   public function
__call($methodName, $args) {
$soapClass = new My_Soap();
$result = call_user_func_array(array($soapClass, $methodName),  $args[0]);
       return array(
$methodName . 'Result' => $result);

Now make sure that the WSDL is created using My_Soap. And that the Server is created using My_Soap_LiteralDocumentProxy:


if (isset($_GET['wsdl'])) {
$wsdl = new Zend_Soap_AutoDiscover(); // It generates the WSDL
'use' => 'literal'
'style' => 'document'
} else {
$server = new Zend_Soap_Server('http://localhost/something/webservice.php?wsdl');

dsubar at interna dot com
26.12.2009 6:49
Do not put a SoapServer and a SoapClient in the same PHP file. This seems to cause arbitrary behavior. On the PHP interpreter in Eclipse, everything worked fine. Under MAMP, I got an undocumented error. In moving the client from the same file as the server, everything worked fine.

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