PHP Doku:: The MySQLi_STMT class - class.mysqli-stmt.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

MySQL Improved Extension

<<mysqli->warning_count -- mysqli_warning_count

mysqli_stmt->affected_rows -- mysqli_stmt_affected_rows>>


The MySQLi_STMT class


Represents a prepared statement.


/* Eigenschaften */
int $affected_rows;
int $errno;
string $error;
int $field_count;
int $insert_id;
int $num_rows;
int $param_count;
string $sqlstate;
/* Methoden */
int MySQLi_STMT::mysqli_stmt_affected_rows ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )
int mysqli_stmt::attr_get ( int $attr )
bool mysqli_stmt::attr_set ( int $attr , int $mode )
bool mysqli_stmt::bind_param ( string $types , mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ] )
bool mysqli_stmt::bind_result ( mixed &$var1 [, mixed &$... ] )
bool mysqli_stmt::close ( void )
void mysqli_stmt::data_seek ( int $offset )
int mysqli_stmt_errno ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )
string mysqli_stmt_error ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )
bool mysqli_stmt::execute ( void )
bool mysqli_stmt::fetch ( void )
int mysqli_stmt_field_count ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )
object mysqli_stmt::get_warnings ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )
mixed mysqli_stmt_insert_id ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )
int mysqli_stmt_num_rows ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )
int mysqli_stmt_param_count ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )
mixed mysqli_stmt::prepare ( string $query )
bool mysqli_stmt::reset ( void )
mysqli_result mysqli_stmt::result_metadata ( void )
bool mysqli_stmt::send_long_data ( int $param_nr , string $data )
string mysqli_stmt_sqlstate ( mysqli_stmt $stmt )


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krapfi at gmail dot com
20.05.2008 15:35
The prototype of the mysqli_stmt constructor is mysqli_stmt::__construct(mysqli $link, $query);

To extend mysqli_stmt, do

class myStmt extends mysqli_stmt {
  public function __construct($link, $query) {
    parent::__construct($link, $query);

class myI extends mysqli {
  public function prepare($query) {
    return new myStmt($this, $query);
} has further infos including how to extend mysqli_result

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