PHP Doku:: Reads the contents of the current node as an string - xmlreader.readstring.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The XMLReader class




(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0)

XMLReader::readStringReads the contents of the current node as an string


string XMLReader::readString ( void )

Reads the contents of the current node as an string.


Diese Funktion hat keine Parameter.


Returns the content of the current node as a string. Empty string on failure.



Diese Funktion ist nur verfügbar, wenn PHP mit libxml 20620 oder später kompiliert wurde.

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Michael Rusch
18.05.2009 19:27
For those who, like me, are having trouble figuring out the difference between getString() an getInnerXML(), the difference is that getString() does NOT include markup.  So, for:

<foo>bar<baz>Hello, world!</baz></foo>

getString() on the <foo> node would return

bar Hello, world!

whereas getInnerXML() would return

bar<baz>Hello, world!</baz>

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