(PECL tokyo_tyrant >= 0.1.0)
TokyoTyrantQuery::valid — Checks the validity of current item
Checks if the current item is valid. Part of the Iterator interface
Diese Funktion hat keine Parameter.
Returns TRUE if the current item is valid and FALSE if not.
Beispiel #1 TokyoTyrantQuery iterator example
/* Connect to a table database */
$tt = new TokyoTyrantTable("localhost", 1979);
/* Add rows */
$tt->put(null, array("column1" => "some data", "column2" => "something here"));
$tt->put(null, array("column1" => "more data", "column2" => "best data this far"));
$tt->put(null, array("column1" => "again data", "column3" => "foobar here"));
$tt->put(null, array("column45" => "random data", "column2" => "something along the lines"));
$tt->put(null, array("column21" => "test data", "column2" => "generating.."));
$tt->put(null, array("column1" => "foobar data", "column2" => "value here"));
/* Get a new query object */
$query = $tt->getQuery();
/* Add a search condition */
$query->addCond("column2", TokyoTyrant::RDBQC_STROR, "something");
/* Iterate the results */
foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
echo "pk: $key, columns: ", count($value) ,"\n";
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:
pk: 1, columns: 2 pk: 4, columns: 2