PHP Doku:: Gets the filename of the file in which the class has been defined - reflectionclass.getfilename.html

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Doku-StartseitePHP-HandbuchFunktionsreferenzVariablen- und typbezogene ErweiterungenReflectionThe ReflectionClass classReflectionClass::getFileName

Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The ReflectionClass class




(PHP 5)

ReflectionClass::getFileNameGets the filename of the file in which the class has been defined


public string ReflectionClass::getFileName ( void )

Gets the filename of the file in which the class has been defined.


Diese Funktion hat keine Parameter.


Returns the filename of the file in which the class has been defined. If the class is defined in the PHP core or in a PHP extension, FALSE is returned.

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