PHP Doku:: Ingredients of all Phar archives, independent of file format - phar.fileformat.ingredients.html

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Doku-StartseitePHP-HandbuchFunktionsreferenzErweiterungen zur Datenkompression und ArchivierungPharWhat makes a phar a phar and not a tar or a zip?Ingredients of all Phar archives, independent of file format

Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

What makes a phar a phar and not a tar or a zip?

<<What makes a phar a phar and not a tar or a zip?

Phar file stub>>

Ingredients of all Phar archives, independent of file format

All Phar archives contain three to four sections:

  1. a stub

  2. a manifest describing the contents

  3. the file contents

  4. [optional] a signature for verifying Phar integrity (phar file format only)

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