PHP Doku:: Checks if there are documents that have not been sent yet from the database for this cursor - mongocursor.dead.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The MongoCursor class




(PECL mongo >=0.9.6)

MongoCursor::deadChecks if there are documents that have not been sent yet from the database for this cursor


public boolean MongoCursor::dead ( void )

The database sends responses in batches of documents, up to 4Mb of documents per response. This method checks if the database has more batches or if the result set has been exhausted.

A cursor being "dead" does not mean that MongoCursor::hasNext() will return FALSE, it only means that the database is done sending results to the client. The client should continue iterating through results until MongoCursor::hasNext() is FALSE.


Diese Funktion hat keine Parameter.


Returns if there are more results that have not been sent to the client, yet.

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