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Magische Konstanten

PHP stellt jedem Skript zur Laufzeit eine Vielzahl von vordefinierten Konstanten zur Verfügung. Viele dieser Konstanten werden jedoch von verschiedenen Erweiterungen definiert, die nur zur Verfügung stehen, wenn diese Erweiterungen selbst zur Verfügung stehen, d.h. entweder über dynamisches Laden zur Laufzeit oder Einkompilieren.

Es gibt sieben magische Konstanten, die, abhängig davon, wo sie eingesetzt werden, einen unterschiedlichen Wert haben. Zum Beispiel hängt der Wert der Konstanten __LINE__ davon ab, in welcher Zeile ihres Skripts Sie diese Konstante verwenden. Diese besonderen Konstanten sind unabhängig von Groß-/Kleinschreibung und sind folgende:

Einige "magische" PHP-Konstanten
Name Beschreibung
__LINE__ Die aktuelle Zeilennummer einer Datei.
__FILE__ Der vollständige Pfad- und Dateiname einer Datei. Wird diese Konstante innerhalb einer nachgeladenen Datei verwendet, wird der Name dieser eingebundenen Datei zurückgegeben. Seit PHP 4.0.2 enthält __FILE__ immer einen absoluten Pfad mit aufgelösten Symlinks, während in älteren Versionen unter Umständen ein relativer Pfad enthalten sein kann.
__DIR__ Der Name des Verzeichnisses, in dem sich die Datei befindet. Wird die Konstante innerhalb eines Includes verwendet, wird das Verzeichnis der eingebundenen Datei zurückgegeben. Dies entspricht dem Verhalten von dirname(__FILE__). Der Verzeichnisname hat keinen beendenden Schrägstrich, sofern es sich nicht um das Rootverzeichnis handelt. (Hinzugefügt in PHP 5.3.0)
__FUNCTION__ Der Name der Funktion. (Hinzugefügt in PHP 4.3.0.) Mit PHP 5 enthält diese Konstante den Namen der Funktion, wie dieser deklariert wurde (Beachtung der Groß- und Kleinschreibung). In PHP 4 wird der Wert immer in Kleinschrift ausgegeben.
__CLASS__ Der Name einer Klasse. (Hinzugefügt in PHP 4.3.0.) Mit PHP 5 enthält diese Konstante den Namen der Klasse, wie dieser deklariert wurde (Beachtung der Groß- und Kleinschreibung). In PHP 4 wird der Wert immer in Kleinschrift ausgegeben.
__METHOD__ Der Name einer Klassenmethode. (Hinzugefügt in PHP 5.0.0.) Der Methodenname wird genauso zurückgegeben, wie er deklariert wurde (Beachtung der Groß- und Kleinschreibung).
__NAMESPACE__ Der Name des aktuellen Namespace (Beachtung der Groß- und Kleinschreibung). Diese Konstante wird zum Kompilierungszeitpunkt definiert. (Hinzugefügt in PHP 5.3.0)

Siehe auch get_class(), get_object_vars(), file_exists() und function_exists().

19 BenutzerBeiträge:
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stefan at efectos dot nl
8.11.2010 14:58
When __DIR__ is not defined, you can also use this workaround to generate it:

if(!defined('__DIR__')) {
$iPos = strrpos(__FILE__, "/");
define("__DIR__", substr(__FILE__, 0, $iPos) . "/");

Keep in mind this sets __DIR__ to the directory you are running this snippet from.
madboyka at yahoo dot com
10.09.2010 16:37
Since namespace were introduced, it would be nice to have a magic constant or function (like get_class()) which would return the class name without the namespaces.

On windows I used basename(__CLASS__). (LOL)
8.08.2010 12:39
__DIR__ befor PHP 5.3.0

if (!defined('__DIR__')) {
__toString() {
$X = debug_backtrace();
define('__DIR__', new __FILE_CLASS__);
me at jamessocol dot com
25.06.2008 18:11
We need an eighth magic constant, something along the lines of __STATIC__. This should return the name of the class from which a static method was called, regardless of where in the inheritance tree the method was defined.

PHP 5.3 has the new use of the static keyword which will help, but it isn't perfect. You still have to repeat yourself frequently.

For example, trying to implement Active Record:


// In PHP 5.3

class Model
    public static function
        echo static::

Product extends Model
    protected static
$class = __CLASS__;

User extends Model
    protected static
$class = __CLASS__;

Product::find(); // "Product"
User::find(); // "User"



// With __STATIC__ keyword. (Would be better.)

class Model
    public static function

Product extends Model {}

User extends Model {}

Product::find(); // "Product"
User::find(); // "User"


[EDITED : Use get_called_class()]
php at kennel17 dot co dot uk
20.06.2007 19:29
Further to my previous note, the 'object' element of the array can be used to get the parent object.  So changing the get_class_static() function to the following will make the code behave as expected:

function get_class_static() {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
        if (isset(

HOWEVER, it still fails when being called statically.  Changing the last two lines of my previous example to


...still gives the same problematic result in PHP5, but in this case the 'object' property is not set, so that technique is unavailable.
php at kennel17 dot co dot uk
20.06.2007 18:12
In response to stangelanda at gmail dot com, (who suggested a possible fix to get the actual class name of the object, when being called statically).

in PHP5, this fix no longer works. 

Here is some example code:


function get_class_static() {
$bt = debug_backtrace();
$name = $bt[1]['class'];

foo {
printClassName() {
get_class_static() . "<br>");

bar extends foo {

$f = new foo();
$b = new bar();


In PHP4, it outputs
as you described.

However, in PHP5, due to the way the debug_backtrace() function has been modified (see the output is now

I have yet to figure out a way to get the original output in PHP5.  Any suggestions would be very useful, and if I find an answer I'll post it here.
Tomek Perlak [tomekperlak at tlen pl]
10.11.2006 11:16
The __CLASS__ magic constant nicely complements the get_class() function.

Sometimes you need to know both:
- name of the inherited class
- name of the class actually executed

Here's an example that shows the possible solution:


class base_class
"'a' - said the " . __CLASS__ . "<br/>";

"'b' - said the " . get_class($this) . "<br/>";


derived_class extends base_class
"'a' - said the " . __CLASS__ . "<br/>";

"'b' - said the " . get_class($this) . "<br/>";

$obj_b = new derived_class();



The output should look roughly like this:

'a' - said the base_class
'a' - said the derived_class

'b' - said the derived_class
'b' - said the derived_class
stangelanda at gmail dot com
6.09.2006 6:17
claude noted that __CLASS__ always contains the class that it is called in, if you would rather have the class that called the method use get_class($this) instead.  However this only works with instances, not when called statically.

class A {
showclass() {

B extends A {}

$a = new A();
$b = new B();


//results in "a", "b", false, false

I tried keeping track of the class manually within the properties, but the following doesn't work either:

class A {
$class = __CLASS__;
showclass() {

B extends A {
$class = __CLASS__;

//results in "a", "b", NULL, NULL

The best solution I could come up with was using debug_backtrace.  I assume there is a better way somehow, but I can't find it.  However the following works:

class A {
showclass() {
$backtrace = debug_backtrace();

B extends A {}

//results in "a", "b", "a", "b"
warhog at warhog dot net
18.12.2005 22:33
There is another magic constant not mentioned above: __COMPILER_HALT_OFFSET__ - contains where the compiler halted - see for further information.
vijaykoul_007 at rediffmail dot com
22.09.2005 6:59
the difference between
__FUNCTION__ and __METHOD__ as in PHP 5.0.4 is that

__FUNCTION__ returns only the name of the function

while as __METHOD__ returns the name of the class alongwith the name of the function

class trick
      function doit()
                echo __FUNCTION__;
      function doitagain()
                echo __METHOD__;
$obj=new trick();
output will be ----  doit
output will be ----- trick::doitagain
karl __at__ streetlampsoftware__dot__com
3.03.2005 22:39
Note that the magic constants cannot be included in quoted strings.

For instance,
echo "This is the filename: __FILE__";
will return exactly what's typed above.

echo "This is the filename: {__FILE__}";
will also return what's typed above.

The only way to get magic constants to parse in strings is to concatenate them into strings:
echo "This is the filename: ".__FILE__;
csaba at alum dot mit dot edu
3.03.2005 13:04
Sometimes you might want to know whether a script is the top level script or whether it has been included.  That could be useful if you want to reuse the routines in another script, but you don't want to separate them out.  Here's a way that seems to be working for me (for both Apache2 module and CLI versions of PHP) on my Win XP Pro system.

By the way, if __FILE__ is within a function call, its value corresponds to the file it was defined in and not the file that it was called from.  Also, I used $script and strtolower instead of realpath because if the script is deleted after inclusion but before realpath is called (which could happen if the test is deferred), then realpath would return empty since it requires an extant file or directory.

Csaba Gabor from Vienna

if (amIincluded()) return;    // if we're included we only want function defs
function amIincluded() {
//    returns true/false depending on whether the currently
//    executing script is included or not
//    Don't put this function in an include file (duh)!
$webP = !!$_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];    // a web request?
$script = preg_replace('/\//',DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,
    return (
$webP) ? (strtolower(__FILE__)!=strtolower($script)) :
array_key_exists("_REQUEST", $GLOBALS);
lm arobase bible point ch
8.12.2004 23:17
in reply to x123 at bestof dash inter:
I believe, this is not a bug, but a feature.
__FILE__ returns the name of the include file, while $PHP_SELF returns the relative name of the main file.
It is then easy to get the file name only with substr(strrchr($PHP_SELF,'/'),1)
claude at NOSPAM dot claude dot nl
18.07.2004 17:29
Note that __CLASS__ contains the class it is called in; in lowercase. So the code:

class A
    function showclass()
        echo __CLASS__;

class B extends A

$a = new A();
$b = new B();


results in "aaaa";
4.03.2004 16:44
note that __FUNCTION__ define gives the the function name in lowercase
warhog at warhog dot net
6.02.2004 21:49
just to read out the filename of the currently proceeded file use
<?php basename(__FILE__); ?>
hixon at colorado dot edu
16.05.2003 2:21
You can use the following in files that you want to include, but not run directly.  The script will exit if it's run as the top-level script, but will not exit if it's included from another script.  Of course this won't work in the command line mode.

if (realpath(__FILE__) == realpath($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'])) {
kop at meme dot com
14.02.2003 0:34
The keywords TRUE and FALSE (case insensitive), which represent their respective boolean values, are worth noting here.
15.03.2002 1:54
As of version 4.0.6, there is also a handy predefined DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR constant which you can use to make you scripts more portatable between OS's with different directory structures.

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