(PECL stats >= 1.0.0)
stats_dens_normal — Not documented
Diese Funktion ist bis jetzt nicht dokumentiert. Es steht nur die Liste der Argumente zur Verfügung.
There's a way to try it out:
echo"$i; ".stats_dens_normal($x,1,1)."\n";
Observe the result (to determine yourself), or
save it as "stats_dens_normal.csv",
load it into Open Office and make a graph of it
I'm not certain that I've figured this one out correctly but it should return the value of a (Gaussian) normal distribution of the given properties at the given location.
$x - the X-Value to request
$ave - the 'expected value' (i.e. location of the peak) for the distribution. For most uses this will just be 0.
$stdev - the standard deviation of the distribution. For most uses this will be 1.