(PHP 4, PHP 5)
session_module_name — Liefert und/oder setzt das aktuelle Session-Modul
session_module_name() gibt den Namen des aktuellen Session-Moduls zurück.
Wenn module angegeben wird, wird stattdessen dieses Modul verwendet.
Gibt den Namen des aktuellen Session-Moduls zurück.
During a long search for a remedy against the dreaded session start failure errors i may have found one;
The error : session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module
A socalled 'Strong workaround' is :
Edit your php.ini this way:
auto_prepend_file = /usr/local/lib/php.ini.prepend
On your /usr/local/lib/php.ini.prepend file put this:
<? session_module_name("files"); ?>
For me this had immediate results.
I am running apache2 with PHP4.3.9 and had years of problems with this error. It popped up without any logic, we tested this in various ways. The only doubtfull case wich we had was with simultaneous visitors but even that was doubtfull and could not be repeated continuously.
Today when trying this new solution the immediate result was... no more errors. Errors wich could be triggered easily can't be found no longer. I have a failure monitor running and will update this note if i find another error but i have good hopes that this patch will hold php from buggering out on us.
Last but definitly not least.. thanks to Agustín Povarchik from FuturaHost.Com for advising this solution!