(PHP 5)
scandir — Listet Dateien und Verzeichnisse innerhalb eines angegebenen Pfades auf
Gibt ein Array aus Dateien und Verzeichnissen des aktuellen directory wieder.
Das zu untersuchende Verzeichnis.
Standardmäßig ist die Sortierreihenfolge alphabetisch in aufsteigender Reihenfolge. Wenn der optionale Parameter sorting_order auf einen Wert verschieden von null gesetzt wird, ist die Sortierreihenfolge alphabetisch absteigend.
Für die Beschreibung des context-Parameters konsultieren Sie bitte das Kapitel Streams des Manuals.
Gibt bei Erfolg ein Array von Dateinamen zurück, im Fehlerfall FALSE. Wenn directory kein Verzeichnis ist, wird der boolsche Wert FALSE zurück gegeben und ein Fehler vom Type E_WARNING erzeugt.
Beispiel #1 Ein einfaches scandir()-Beispiel
$dir = '/tmp';
$files1 = scandir($dir);
$files2 = scandir($dir, 1);
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:
Array ( [0] => . [1] => .. [2] => bar.php [3] => foo.txt [4] => somedir ) Array ( [0] => somedir [1] => foo.txt [2] => bar.php [3] => .. [4] => . )
Beispiel #2 PHP 4-Alternativen zu scandir()
$dir = "/tmp";
$dh = opendir($dir);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
$files[] = $filename;
Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:
Array ( [0] => . [1] => .. [2] => bar.php [3] => foo.txt [4] => somedir ) Array ( [0] => somedir [1] => foo.txt [2] => bar.php [3] => .. [4] => . )
Mit dieser Funktion können Sie eine URL als Dateinamen verwenden, falls Sie fopen wrappers ermöglicht haben. Mehr Details dazu, wie Sie den Dateinamen angeben müssen finden Sie bei fopen(). Eine Liste der unterstützten URL Protokolle, die Fähigkeiten der verschiedenen Wrapper, Hinweise zu deren Verwendung und Informationen zu den eventuell vorhandenen vordefinierten Variablen finden Sie unter Supported Protocols and Wrappers.
Note that scandir() will enforce alphanumerical sorting on the array it returns. If you wish to reduce CPU overhead by avoiding the sorting, or if you wish to obtain "natural filesystem order" - that is, the order in which the files are found while traversing the filesystem (usually the order in which they were written to the disk) - you need to go back to the PHP4 equivalent of opendir() + readdir().
We can do a select dir in a array
function mi_dir_list($a_path=".", $a_mask="*")
$dir = @ dir("$a_path");
//List files in images directory
while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false)
if($file !="." && $file!=".." && fnmatch($a_mask, $file))
$l_vdir[] = $file;
$lv = mi_dir_list( "../pruebas/", "*.*");
If you have a folder with many files and/or subfolders, doing a recursive scandir will likely either slow down your application, or cause a high rise in RAM consumption due to the large size of the generated array.
To help with this, as well as to make processing of files in a folder easier, I wrote a function that reads a folder and its subfolders recursively, and calls a function upon each match.
* Calls a function for every file in a folder.
* @author Vasil Rangelov a.k.a. boen_robot
* @param string $callback The function to call. It must accept one argument that is a relative filepath of the file.
* @param string $dir The directory to traverse.
* @param array $types The file types to call the function for. Leave as NULL to match all types.
* @param bool $recursive Whether to list subfolders as well.
* @param string $baseDir String to append at the beginning of every filepath that the callback will receive.
function dir_walk($callback, $dir, $types = null, $recursive = false, $baseDir = '') {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') {
if (is_file($dir . $file)) {
if (is_array($types)) {
if (!in_array(strtolower(pathinfo($dir . $file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)), $types, true)) {
$callback($baseDir . $file);
}elseif($recursive && is_dir($dir . $file)) {
dir_walk($callback, $dir . $file . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $types, $recursive, $baseDir . $file . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
Of course, because it is recursive, a folder with many levels of folders could potentially consume lots of memory, but then again, so can every other recursive scandir implementation here.
BTW, there's also the RecursiveDirectoryIterator SPL class:
which, even if using the same approach, will most likely be faster and hold down deeper levels (because it works on the C level), but this one will always work, regardless of settings... even on PHP4.
Point is, avoid recursive scandir implementations.
Scandir does not work properly with non-english caracters (like french accents for example : éàçè...) in the files name.
As PHP does not support unicode operations until PHP 6, this is not a bug.
This is a function to count the number of files of a directory
function countFiles($dir){
$files = array();
$directory = opendir($dir);
while($item = readdir($directory)){
// We filter the elements that we don't want to appear ".", ".." and ".svn"
if(($item != ".") && ($item != "..") && ($item != ".svn") ){
$files[] = $item;
$numFiles = count($files);
return $numFiles;
Was looking for a simple way to search for a file/directory using a mask. Here is such a function.
By default, this function will keep in memory the scandir() result, to avoid scaning multiple time for the same directory.
Requires at least PHP5.
function sdir( $path='.', $mask='*', $nocache=0 ){
static $dir = array(); // cache result in memory
if ( !isset($dir[$path]) || $nocache) {
$dir[$path] = scandir($path);
foreach ($dir[$path] as $i=>$entry) {
if ($entry!='.' && $entry!='..' && fnmatch($mask, $entry) ) {
$sdir[] = $entry;
return ($sdir);
Another getDirectoryTree with filters:
function getDirectoryTree( $outerDir, $filters = array() ){
$dirs = array_diff( scandir( $outerDir ), array_merge( Array( ".", ".." ), $filters ) );
$dir_array = Array();
foreach( $dirs as $d )
$dir_array[ $d ] = is_dir($outerDir."/".$d) ? getDirectoryTree( $outerDir."/".$d, $filters ) : $dir_array[ $d ] = $d;
return $dir_array;
Hello all,
I just added a extension filter to the getDirectoryTree function, so it can filter an extension for files in the folders/subfolders:
function getDirectoryTree( $outerDir , $x){
$dirs = array_diff( scandir( $outerDir ), Array( ".", ".." ) );
$dir_array = Array();
foreach( $dirs as $d ){
if( is_dir($outerDir."/".$d) ){
$dir_array[ $d ] = getDirectoryTree( $outerDir."/".$d , $x);
if (($x)?ereg($x.'$',$d):1)
$dir_array[ $d ] = $d;
return $dir_array;
$dirlist = getDirectoryTree('filmes','flv');
How a ninja may retrieve a list of files, files filtered by extension, or directories:
//array of files without directories... optionally filtered by extension
function file_list($d,$x){
foreach(array_diff(scandir($d),array('.','..')) as $f)if(is_file($d.'/'.$f)&&(($x)?ereg($x.'$',$f):1))$l[]=$f;
return $l;
//array of directories
function dir_list($d){
foreach(array_diff(scandir($d),array('.','..')) as $f)if(is_dir($d.'/'.$f))$l[]=$f;
return $l;
Overloaded PHP file listing function:
array file_list ( string $directory [, string $file_extension] )
path without backslash, e.g. "/home/public_html/blarg"
optionally filter specific filename extentions, e.g. ".jpg"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TRANSLATION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
file_list("/home"); //return list of files (no directories)
file_list("/home", ".jpg"); //return only .jpg file list
//(note: one slash (/) below and you enable all your test functions, guess where ;-))
echo "<hr><b>File List:</b><br>";
$n = file_list(getcwd());
if($n) foreach($n as $f) echo "$f<br>"; //current files
echo "<hr><b>Files with extension .php:</b><br>";
$n = file_list(getcwd(),".php");
if($n) foreach($n as $f) echo "$f<br>"; //files with .php extensions
echo "<hr><b>Directories:</b><br>";
$d = dir_list(getcwd());
if($d) foreach($d as $f) echo "$f<br>"; //directories
file_list($arg1); // php issues a warning that there is no second parameter, but we know that, izz ok
OS: Linux 2.6.9-78.0.17.ELsmp
APACHE: 2.2.9
PHP: 5.2.5
Here's a simple little scandir() function that can pick a random photo (jpg only so far) and dislpay it. This also goes through an exclusion list and doesn't store anything you don't want to display. Use as you wish
for ($x=0; $x<count($dir); $x++){
if (is_dir($dir[$x]) && !in_array($dir[$x], $exclude)){
for ($f=0; $f<count($thisfolder); $f++)
if (strpos(strtolower($thisfolder[$f]), ".jpg"))
$rand=rand(0, count($photos));
echo "<div style='text-align: center;'>";
echo "<img src='".$photos[$rand]."' alt='' style='width: 80%'/>";
echo "</div>";
If I'm remembering my CS classes right... this would be the 'bare bones' recursive method to extract directories and files...
function getDirectoryTree( $outerDir ){
$dirs = array_diff( scandir( $outerDir ), Array( ".", ".." ) );
$dir_array = Array();
foreach( $dirs as $d ){
if( is_dir($outerDir."/".$d) ) $dir_array[ $d ] = getDirectoryTree( $outerDir."/".$d );
else $dir_array[ $d ] = $d;
return $dir_array;
Here is a function that parses your website's directory tree, similar to the scanDirectories function provided by fatpratmatt. However, this allows you to filter out all files except for those with specific extensions, in addition to allowing you to ignore entire directories, and also has a list of specific files to ignore. One last addition is that it allows you to use a regular expression to ignore another set of files.
I use this to walk the directory structure of my website, and to generate a sitemap.xml for Google sitemaps to index my site. This allows me to skip dev, data, library, etc. folders, and files that are not front end files.
The way it's written means you don't need to worry about excluding specific files at all unless they have the extension you are looking for (i.e. html or php files).
function get_files($root_dir, $all_data=array())
// only include files with these extensions
$allow_extensions = array("php", "html");
// make any specific files you wish to be excluded
$ignore_files = array("gdform.php","fishheader.php","fishfooter.php",
"rotate.php", "fishstockingreport2.php", "repcentral.php", "repne.php",
$ignore_regex = '/^_/';
// skip these directories
$ignore_dirs = array(".", "..", "images", "dev", "lib", "data", "osh", "fiq", "google",
"stats", "_db_backups", "maps", "php_uploads", "test");
// run through content of root directory
$dir_content = scandir($root_dir);
foreach($dir_content as $key => $content)
$path = $root_dir.'/'.$content;
if(is_file($path) && is_readable($path))
// skip ignored files
if(!in_array($content, $ignore_files))
if (preg_match($ignore_regex,$content) == 0)
$content_chunks = explode(".",$content);
$ext = $content_chunks[count($content_chunks) - 1];
// only include files with desired extensions
if (in_array($ext, $allow_extensions))
// save file name with path
$all_data[] = $path;
// if content is a directory and readable, add path and name
elseif(is_dir($path) && is_readable($path))
// skip any ignored dirs
if(!in_array($content, $ignore_dirs))
// recursive callback to open new directory
$all_data = get_files($path, $all_data);
} // end foreach
return $all_data;
} // end get_files()
Back in the saddle of scandir I wrote this function for a function that I needed to seperate directories from files. Since I am still learning from my last example way below I would figure I would add it so it can be criticized.
function dirlist($dir, $bool = "dirs"){
$truedir = $dir;
$dir = scandir($dir);
if($bool == "files"){ // dynamic function based on second pram
$direct = 'is_dir';
}elseif($bool == "dirs"){
$direct = 'is_file';
foreach($dir as $k => $v){
if(($direct($truedir.$dir[$k])) || $dir[$k] == '.' || $dir[$k] == '..' ){
$dir = array_values($dir);
return $dir;
print_r(dirlist("../")); //confirm array of subdirectories
print_r(dirlist("../", "files") // confirm list on files in the directory
* outputs all files and directories
* recursively starting with the given
* $base path. This function is a combination
* of some of the other snips on the php.net site.
* All are good but lacked one thing or another
* that I needed like .htaccess
* files get excluded with the one that checks to
* see if the first character is a . and omits
* that.
* @example rscandir(dirname(__FILE__).'/'));
* @param string $base
* @param array $omit
* @param array $data
* @return array
function rscandir($base='', &$data=array()) {
$array = array_diff(scandir($base), array('.', '..')); # remove ' and .. from the array */
foreach($array as $value) : /* loop through the array at the level of the supplied $base */
if (is_dir($base.$value)) : /* if this is a directory */
$data[] = $base.$value.'/'; /* add it to the $data array */
$data = rscandir($base.$value.'/', $data); /* then make a recursive call with the
current $value as the $base supplying the $data array to carry into the recursion */
elseif (is_file($base.$value)) : /* else if the current $value is a file */
$data[] = $base.$value; /* just add the current $value to the $data array */
return $data; // return the $data array
echo '<pre>'; var_export(rscandir(dirname(__FILE__).'/')); echo '</pre>';
array (
0 => '/path/to/web/.htaccess',
1 => '/path/to/web/foo/',
2 => '/path/to/web/foo/file.txt'
This is a modification of scanDirectories function that generates a list of all files in the chosen directory and all subdirectories of specific extentions $allowext
function scanDirectories($rootDir, $allowext, $allData=array()) {
$dirContent = scandir($rootDir);
foreach($dirContent as $key => $content) {
$path = $rootDir.'/'.$content;
$ext = substr($content, strrpos($content, '.') + 1);
if(in_array($ext, $allowext)) {
if(is_file($path) && is_readable($path)) {
$allData[] = $path;
}elseif(is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) {
// recursive callback to open new directory
$allData = scanDirectories($path, $allData);
return $allData;
$rootDir = "www";
$allowext = array("zip","rar","html");
$files_array = scanDirectories($rootDir,$allowext);
Just noticed a minor difference between scandir and readdir.
When opening a directory and using readdir(), each file appears to be accessed in the process. This resets the "Last Accessed" time that you would get with fileatime().
With scandir(), the list is created and none of the files are accessed. Therefore the access times remain unchanged.
I encountered this while writing a script to scan a directory and delete any file that hadn't been accessed in x time. Kind of defeated the purpose when the directory listing accessed every file...
This function generates a list of all files in the chosen directory and all subdirectories, throws them into a NON-multidimentional array and returns them.
Most of the recursive functions on this page only return a multi-dimensional array.
This is actually a modification of some one else's function (thanks mail at bartrail dot de ;])
function scanDirectories($rootDir, $allData=array()) {
// set filenames invisible if you want
$invisibleFileNames = array(".", "..", ".htaccess", ".htpasswd");
// run through content of root directory
$dirContent = scandir($rootDir);
foreach($dirContent as $key => $content) {
// filter all files not accessible
$path = $rootDir.'/'.$content;
if(!in_array($content, $invisibleFileNames)) {
// if content is file & readable, add to array
if(is_file($path) && is_readable($path)) {
// save file name with path
$allData[] = $path;
// if content is a directory and readable, add path and name
}elseif(is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) {
// recursive callback to open new directory
$allData = scanDirectories($path, $allData);
return $allData;
Example output:
[0] => www/index.php
[1] => www/admin.php
[3] => www/css/css.css
[4] => www/articles/2007/article1.txt
[4] => www/articles/2006/article1.txt
[8] => www/img/img1.png
Here's another little function to scan a directory and it's file contents width scandir() including a little file filter..
* Recursive function to scan a directory with * scandir() *
* @param String $rootDir
* @return multi dimensional array
function scanDirectories($rootDir) {
// set filenames invisible if you want
$invisibleFileNames = array(".", "..", ".htaccess", ".htpasswd");
// run through content of root directory
$dirContent = scandir($rootDir);
$allData = array();
// file counter gets incremented for a better
$fileCounter = 0;
foreach($dirContent as $key => $content) {
// filter all files not accessible
$path = $rootDir.'/'.$content;
if(!in_array($content, $invisibleFileNames)) {
// if content is file & readable, add to array
if(is_file($path) && is_readable($path)) {
$tmpPathArray = explode("/",$path);
// saving filename
$allData[$fileCounter]['fileName'] = end($tmpPathArray);
// saving while path (for better access)
$allData[$fileCounter]['filePath'] = $path;
// get file extension
$filePartsTmp = explode(".", end($tmpPathArray));
$allData[$fileCounter]['fileExt'] = end($filePartsTmp);
// get file date
$allData[$fileCounter]['fileDate'] = filectime($path);
// get filesize in byte
$allData[$fileCounter]['fileSize'] = filesize($path);
// if content is a directory and readable, add path and name
}elseif(is_dir($path) && is_readable($path)) {
$dirNameArray = explode('/',$path);
$allData[$path]['dirPath'] = $path;
$allData[$path]['dirName'] = end($dirNameArray);
// recursive callback to open new directory
$allData[$path]['content'] = scanDirectories($path);
return $allData;
Since scandir() returns and array, here is a more concise method of dealing with the '.' and '..' problem when listing directories:
$target = '/';
$weeds = array('.', '..');
$directories = array_diff(scandir($target), $weeds);
foreach($directories as $value)
echo $value.'<br />';
Bear in mind that sorting is *always* performed when scandir() is called. String sorting takes O(|s|n log n) runtime, and this adds to the burden of the server's memory and processing power.
Therefore, whenever the alphabetical order of the directory content is unimportant, especially if sorting is to be performed by another order, or the natural order of the files on the filesystem is to be utilized, the use of opendir(), readdir() and closedir() combined is always preferred to scandir().
Saw banzai monkeys code and tweaked it a little. I don't have scandir. So I had to play with the suggested use for php4.
Pretty new to PHP so beer with me. This will show your current directory as a link called "Back" and will list all of your files in a menu. I wanted this because I have a lot of static pages and needed a menu that would auto update every time I added a file.
$direct=str_replace('-',' ',$directory);
/*this first section above will get your current folder or directory and since I have a "-" between the words of my file I have to strip them to look good if I want to show the current folder or directory in the title of the first link
$dir = '.';
$dh = opendir($dir);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) {
$files[] =$filename;
/*this code above with the variable $t gets rid of the '.' and the '..' parent and ancestor files. And the variable $f finds the index file and with the code below 'unset' let you use $f as the key to get rid of that file.
print('<ul align="left">');
print('<li><a href="." title="'.$directoryuppercasewords.'">Back</a></br></li>');
foreach($t as $key => $value){
$phpkill=str_replace('.php', '', $value);
$htmlkill=str_replace('.html', '', $phpkill);
$dashkill=str_replace('-',' ',$htmlkill);
print('<li><a href="' . $dir . '/' . $value . '" title="'.$uppercasewords.'>' . $uppercasewords . "</a></br></li>");
I basically made all the variables so they could explain themselves, Regular expression is not my strong point right now, just becoming familiar with php functions is more of a priority, I hope this is usefull to someone.
This function is similar to scandir, but works in PHP4. It uses readdir to get directory info.
function php4_scandir($dir,$listDirectories=false, $skipDots=true) {
$dirArray = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if (($file != "." && $file != "..") || $skipDots == true) {
if($listDirectories == false) { if(is_dir($file)) { continue; } }
return $dirArray;
I wrote this function to read a folder and place all the folders and sub folders it contains into an array.
// Initialise empty array, otherwise an error occurs
$folders = array();
function recursive_subfolders($folders) {
// Set path here
$path = '/path/to/folder';
// Create initial "Folders" array
if ($dir = opendir($path)) {
$j = 0;
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir($path.$file)) {
$folders[$j] = $path . $file;
// Then check each folder in that array for subfolders and add the subfolders to the "Folders" array.
$j = count($folders);
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
if ($dir = opendir($folder)) {
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
$pathto = $folder. '/' . $file;
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir($pathto) && !in_array($pathto, $folders)) {
$folders[$j] = $pathto;
$folders = recursive_subfolders($folders);
return $folders;
$folders = recursive_subfolders($folders);
$folders now contains an array with the full paths to each subfolder. E.g.:
[0] => /path/to/folder/dir1
[1] => /path/to/folder/dir1/subdir
[2] => /path/to/folder/dir1/subdir/subsubdir
[3] => /path/to/dolfer/dir2
This function has only been tested on Linux.
I would like to share a couple of functions I've made to get an Array of files of a certain extension inside a Directory.
// Firstly, a PHP 5 emulation
function php4_scandir($dir, $sort = 0)
if (PHP_VERSION >= '5') return scandir($dir, $sort);
$dirmap = array();
trigger_error("lib::scandir($dir): failed to open dir: Invalid argument", E_USER_WARNING);
return false;
$dir = opendir($dir);
while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir)))
$dirmap[] = $file;
($sort == 1) ? rsort($dirmap) : sort($dirmap);
return $dirmap;
Then, this one converts directory files into array items.
It also can filter by file extension.
function dir2arr($dir, $ext = null)
$arr = array();
if(PHP_VERSION >= '4.3.0')
# PHP 4.3.0 code
if ($dir = glob("$dir*".(!$ext ? '.*' : '{'.$ext.', '.strtoupper($ext).'}'), GLOB_NOSORT + GLOB_BRACE))
foreach ($dir as $file)
$arr[] = preg_replace("#(?:.+\/{1})*([^\.]+)\.(.+)#i", '$1', $file);
# PHP 4.2.x code
$dir = php4_scandir($dir); // See code snippet above
if(!$ext) $ext = '\.[a-z]+';
$pattern = "#([^\.|\.\.$]+)$ext#i";
foreach ($dir as $file)
if (preg_match($pattern, $file, $filename))
$arr[] = $filename[1];
return (empty($arr) ? false : $arr);
* PURPOSE: List files inside the specified path and its
* subdirectories
* array scandir_recursive (string dir)
* This function will return a multidimensional array
* that represents main folder's tree structure.
* Each folder has its own named array
function scandir_recursive($directory)
$folderContents = array();
$directory = realpath($directory).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
foreach (scandir($directory) as $folderItem)
if ($folderItem != "." AND $folderItem != "..")
if (is_dir($directory.$folderItem.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))
$folderContents[$folderItem] = scandir_recursive( $directory.$folderItem."\\");
$folderContents[] = $folderItem;
return $folderContents;
For non php5-users here you are this function...
It isn't set the wrapper, but I think it's enough :P.
If no pararameter is set, the scandir() function will scan the local file directory.
Set the optional parameter "$sort" to 1 to reverse the alphabetical-sorting.
function scandir($dir = './', $sort = 0)
$dir_open = @ opendir($dir);
if (! $dir_open)
return false;
while (($dir_content = readdir($dir_open)) !== false)
$files[] = $dir_content;
if ($sort == 1)
rsort($files, SORT_STRING);
sort($files, SORT_STRING);
return $files;
I made this to represent a directory tree in an array that uses the file or directory names as keys and full paths as the value for files. Directories are nested arrays.
function generatePathTree($rootPath) {
$pathStack = array($rootPath);
$contentsRoot = array();
$contents = &$contentsRoot;
while ($path = array_pop($pathStack)) {
$contents[basename($path)] = array();
$contents = &$contents[basename($path)];
foreach (scandir($path) as $filename) {
if ('.' != substr($filename, 0, 1)) {
$newPath = $path.'/'.$filename;
if (is_dir($newPath)) {
array_push($pathStack, $newPath);
$contents[basename($newPath)] = array();
} else {
$contents[basename($filename)] = $newPath;
return $contentsRoot[basename($rootPath)];
The function will return something like this:
[index.php] => /usr/local/www/index.php
[js] => Array
[async.js] => /usr/local/www/js/async.js
[dom.js] => /usr/local/www/js/dom.js
[effects.js] => /usr/local/www/js/effects.js
[prototype.js] => /usr/local/www/js/prototype.js
[logo.png] => /usr/local/www/logo.png
[server.php] => /usr/local/www/server.php
[test.js] => /usr/local/www/test.js
For directory containing files like (for example) -.jpg the results of scandir are a little "weird" ;)
$dir = '/somedir';
$files = scandir($dir);
[0] => -.jpg
[1] => .
[2] => ..
[3] => foo.txt
[4] => somedir
Beware - sorting is in ASCII order :)
using sort of scandir() that returns the content sorted by Filemodificationtime.
function scandir_by_mtime($folder) {
$dircontent = scandir($folder);
$arr = array();
foreach($dircontent as $filename) {
if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..') {
if (filemtime($folder.$filename) === false) return false;
$dat = date("YmdHis", filemtime($folder.$filename));
$arr[$dat] = $filename;
if (!ksort($arr)) return false;
return $arr;
returns false if an error occured
otherwise it returns an array like this.
[20040813231320] => DSC00023.JPG
[20040813231456] => DSC00024.JPG
[20040814003728] => MOV00055.MPG
[20040814003804] => DSC00056.JPG
[20040814003946] => DSC00057.JPG
[20040814004030] => DSC00058.JPG
[20040814014516] => DSC00083.JPG
[20050401161718] => album.txt
This function create a HTML view of a directory. It also look for subdirectory. I use some icon to differ from folders or files. It's also possible to get specific icon for specific file type.
Each entrey is clickable so you can use it to populate a form field.
Have fun!
function ls_recursive2($dir)
if (is_dir($dir))
$files = scandir($dir);
foreach ($files as $file)
$currentfile = $dir . "/" . $file;
$last_dir = "";
// Calculate they identation.
$count = substr_count($currentfile, '/');
$minus_count = substr_count($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '/');
$count -= ($minus_count + 2);
for($p = 0; $p < $count; $p++)
$last_dir .= " ";
if (is_dir($currentfile))
if ($file != '.' && $file != '..')
$last_dir .= "<img src='images/folder.gif' alt='' align='middle' width='16' height='16' border='0'> <a href=\"javascript:go('" . $currentfile . "')\">". substr($currentfile, strrpos($currentfile, '/')) . "</a><br>";
echo $last_dir;
$last_dir .= "<img src='images/file.gif' alt='' align='middle' width='16' height='16' border='0'> <a href=\"javascript:go('" . $currentfile . "')\">". substr($currentfile, strrpos($currentfile, '/')) . "</a><br>";
echo $last_dir;
Scandir on steroids:
For when you want to filter your file list, or only want to list so many levels of subdirectories...
function dirList($path="", $types=2, $levels=1, $aFilter=array()) {
// returns an array of the specified files/directories
// start search in $path (defaults to current working directory)
// return $types: 2 => files; 1 => directories; 3 => both;
// $levels: 1 => look in the $path only; 2 => $path and all children;
// 3 => $path, children, grandchildren; 0 => $path and all subdirectories;
// less than 0 => complement of -$levels, OR everything starting -$levels down
// e.g. -1 => everthing except $path; -2 => all descendants except $path + children
// Remaining argument(s) is(are) a filter array(list) of regular expressions which operate on the full path.
// First character (before the '/' of the regExp) '-' => NOT.
// First character (after a possible '-') 'd' => apply to directory name
// The filters may be passed in as an array of strings or as a list of strings
// Note that output directories are prefixed with a '*' (done in the line above the return)
if (!($path = realpath($path?$path:getcwd()))) return array(); // bad path
// next line rids terminating \ on drives (works since c: == c:\ on PHP). OK in *nix?
if (substr($path,-1)==$dS) $path = substr($path,0,-1);
if (is_null($types)) $types = 2;
if (is_null($levels)) $levels = 1;
if (is_null($aFilter)) $aFilter=array();
// last argument may be passed as a list or as an array
$aFilter = array_slice(func_get_args(),3);
if ($aFilter && gettype($aFilter[0])=="array") $aFilter=$aFilter[0];
$adFilter = array();
// now move directory filters to separate array:
foreach ($aFilter as $i=>$filter) // for each directory filter...
if (($pos=stripos(" $filter","d")) && $pos<3) { // next line eliminates the 'd'
$adFilter[] = substr($filter,0,$pos-1) . substr($filter,$pos);
unset($aFilter[$i]); }
$aFilter = array_merge($aFilter); // reset indeces
$aRes = array(); // results, $aAcc is an Accumulator
$aDir = array($path); // dirs to check
for ($i=$levels>0?$levels++:-1;($aAcc=array())||$i--&&$aDir;$aDir=$aAcc)
while ($dir = array_shift($aDir))
foreach (scandir ($dir) as $fileOrDir)
if ($fileOrDir!="." && $fileOrDir!="..") {
if ($dirP = is_dir ($rp="$dir$dS$fileOrDir"))
if (pathFilter("$rp$dS", $adFilter))
$aAcc[] = $rp;
if ($i<$levels-1 && ($types & (2-$dirP)))
if (pathFilter($rp, $aFilter))
$aRes[] = ($dirP?"*":"") . $rp; }
return $aRes;
example usage:
define ("_", NULL);
// this will find all non .jpg, non .Thumbs.db files under c:\Photo
$aFiles = dirList('c:\Photo', _, 0, '-/\.jpg$/i', '-/\\\\Thumbs.db$/');
$aFiles = dirList(); // find the files in the current directory
// next lines will find .jpg files in non Photo(s) subdirectories, excluding Temporary Internet Files
set_time_limit(60); // iterating from the top level can take a while
$aFiles = dirList("c:\\", _, 0, '/\.jpg$/i', '-d/\\\\Photos?$/i', '-d/Temporary Internet/i');
Note that this function will consume a lot of time if scanning large
directory structures (which is the reason for the '[-]d/.../' filters).
Csaba Gabor from Vienna
A nice way to filter the files/directories you get back from scandir:
function pathFilter ($path, $aFilter) {
// returns true iff $path survives the tests from $aFilter
// $aFilter is an array of regular expressions: [-]/regExp/modifiers
// if there is a leading '-' it means exclude $path upon a match (a NOT test)
// If the first expression has a leading '-', $path is in, unless it gets excluded.
// Otherwise, $path is out, unless it gets included via the filter tests.
// The tests are applied in succession.
// A NOT test is applied only if $path is currently (within the tests) included
// Other tests are applied only if $path is currently excluded. Thus,
// array("/a/", "-/b/", "/c/") => passes if $path has a c or if $path has an a but no b
// array("/a/", "/c/", "-/b/") => passes if $path has an a or c, but no b
// array("-/b/", "/a/", "/c/") => passes if $path has no b, or if $path has an a or c
if (!$aFilter) return true; // automatic inclusion (pass) if no filters
foreach ($aFilter as $filter) break; // we don't know how it's indexed
$in = $filter[0]=="-"; // initial in/exclusion based on first filter
foreach ($aFilter as $filter) // walk the filters
if ($in==$not=($filter[0]=="-")) // testing only when necessary
$in ^= preg_match(substr($filter,$not),$path); // flip in/exclusion upon a match
return $in;
Csaba Gabor from Vienna
Since I needed to scan dirs and subdirs and wanted to have files and dirs not in the same var without having to explode it, I did this little function:
function scan_Dir($directory=NULL)
$temp = "";
if ($directory==NULL)
$directory = getcwd();
$handle = opendir($directory);
while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle)))
if (($filename!=".") AND ($filename!=".."))
if (is_dir($directory."/".$filename))
$old_directory = $directory;
$directory .= "/".$filename;
$temp = scan_Dir($directory);
$cpt = 0;
while ($cpt<count($temp["filename"]))
$arrfiles["path"][] = $directory."/".$temp["filename"][$cpt];
$arrfiles["directory"][] = $directory;
$arrfiles["filename"][] = $temp["filename"][$cpt];
$directory = $old_directory;
$arrfiles["path"][] = $directory."/".$filename;
$arrfiles["directory"][] = $directory;
$arrfiles["filename"][] = $filename;
return $arrfiles;
This one seems to work properly and use multidimensional array.
To show your files, just use:
$dir2scan = "admin";
$yourvar = scan_Dir($dir2scan);
echo $yourvar["path"][0]."<br>"; //Complete path of the file with key 0 (dir + filename)
echo $yourvar["directory"][0]."<br>"; //Directory of the file with key 0
echo $yourvar["filename"][0]."<br>"; //Filename of the file with key 0
Note that the parameter of the function is not necessary. If you don't give any, it will scan from the returned value of getcwd() function.
scandir() with regexp matching on file name and sorting options based on stat().
function myscandir($dir, $exp, $how='name', $desc=0)
$r = array();
$dh = @opendir($dir);
if ($dh) {
while (($fname = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if (preg_match($exp, $fname)) {
$stat = stat("$dir/$fname");
$r[$fname] = ($how == 'name')? $fname: $stat[$how];
if ($desc) {
else {
$r = myscandir('./book/', '/^article[0-9]{4}\.txt$/i', 'ctime', 1);
files can be sorted on name and stat() attributes, ascending and descending:
name file name
dev device number
ino inode number
mode inode protection mode
nlink number of links
uid userid of owner
gid groupid of owner
rdev device type, if inode device *
size size in bytes
atime time of last access (Unix timestamp)
mtime time of last modification (Unix timestamp)
ctime time of last inode change (Unix timestamp)
blksize blocksize of filesystem IO *
blocks number of blocks allocated
This functionality is now implemented in the PEAR package PHP_Compat.
More information about using this function without upgrading your version of PHP can be found on the below link: