PHP Doku:: Open paradox database - function.px-open-fp.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Paradox Funktionen




(PECL paradox >= 1.0.0)

px_open_fpOpen paradox database


bool px_open_fp ( resource $pxdoc , resource $file )

Open an existing paradox database file. The actual file has to be opened before with fopen(). This function can also be used to open primary index files and tread them like a paradox database. This is supported for those who would like to investigate a primary index. It cannot be used to accelerate access to a database file.



Resource identifier of the paradox database as returned by px_new().


file is the return value from fopen() with the actual database file as parameter. Make sure the database is writable if you plan to update or insert records.


Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.

Siehe auch

  • fopen() - Öffnet eine Datei oder URL
  • The example at px_new() - Create a new paradox object

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