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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

POSIX Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

posix_timesLiefert Rechenzeiten


array posix_times ( void )

Gibt Informationen über die aktuelle Auslastung der CPU zurück.


Gibt eine Reihe von Zahlenwerten mit Informationen über die Auslastung der CPU durch den aktuellen Prozess zurück. Die Indizes dieser Zahlenwerte sind:

  • ticks - die Anzahl von Clock-Ticks, die seit dem Reboot verstrichen sind.
  • utime - Benutzerzeit, die vom aktuellen Prozess verbraucht wurde.
  • stime - Systemzeit, die vom aktuellen Prozess verbraucht wurde.
  • cutime - Benutzerzeit, die vom aktuellen Prozess und dessen Kindprozessen verbraucht wurde.
  • cstime - Systemzeit, die vom aktuellen Prozess und dessen Kindprozessen verbraucht wurde.



Diese Funktion arbeitet nicht verlässlich, weil sie bei großen Zeiträumen negative Werte zurückgeben könnte.


Beispiel #1 posix_times()-Beispiel




Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

    [ticks] => 25814410
    [utime] => 1
    [stime] => 1
    [cutime] => 0
    [cstime] => 0

4 BenutzerBeiträge:
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brain at winbot dot co dot uk
27.06.2004 3:14
doesnt work with freebsd. as stated above the clock ticks at different intervals on different platforms.

for system uptime consider piping the uptime command or similar, depending on if performance is an issue or not.
not_rich_yet at hotmail dot com
20.07.2003 1:21
If you want the output to be 'grammatically correct' then try the following code.  It will eg print '1 minute' as opposed to '1 minutes', the same goes for days and hours:

Put the following code somewhere in the head of the page code:

function uptime() {
if (!
$times = posix_times() ) {
return (
} else {
$now = $times['ticks'];
$days = intval($now / (60*60*24*100));
$remainder = $now % (60*60*24*100);
$hours = intval($remainder / (60*60*100));
$remainder = $remainder % (60*60*100);
$minutes = intval($remainder / (60*100));
if (
$days == 1) {$writeDays = "day";} else {$writeDays = "days";}
if (
$hours == 1) {$writeHours = "hour"; } else {$writeHours = "hours";}
if (
$minutes == 1) {$writeMins = "minute";} else {$writeMins = "minutes";}
return (
"$days $writeDays, $hours $writeHours, $minutes $writeMins");

Then put this bit where you want the info displayed:

print uptime();


murphy at nmc-online dot co dot uk
17.06.2003 20:01
I am not sure why, and it could just be me but on my FreeBSD system using
$time = posix_times();
$time['ticks'] is an enormous value that bears no relation to the system uptime (I tested by rebooting the system,  the number does not change).
I checked my timecounters, they tick every 10.000msec and I did the maths on the returned value and it suggested the machine had been up for over 200 days - it was reformatted about a week ago.
This could be to do with FreeBSD, or *BSD, or just *idiots like me but just check before you use the function.
FreeBSD 5.1-R, Apache 2.0.46, PHP4.3.2
rossz+php at vamos-wentworth dot org
20.11.2002 22:42
This function will return the system uptime as a human readable string such as "172 days, 18 hours, 15 minutes".  I didn't bother to handle singular so the grammar could be a bit off, e.g. 1 hours.

function uptime() {
  if (!$times = posix_times()) {
    return ("unknown");
  } else {
    $now = $times['ticks'];
    $days = intval($now / (60*60*24*100));
    $remainder = $now % (60*60*24*100);
    $hours = intval($remainder / (60*60*100));
    $remainder = $remainder % (60*60*100);
    $minutes = intval($remainder / (60*100));
    return ("$days days, $hours hours, $minutes minutes");

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