(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)
pg_connection_status — Gibt den Verbindungsstatus zurück
pg_connection_status() gibt den Status der angegebenen connection zurück.
PostgreSQL Verbindungskennung.
Beispiel #1 pg_connection_status() Beispiel
$dbconn = pg_connect("dbname=publisher") or die("Konnte keine Verbindung aufbauen");
$stat = pg_connection_status($dbconn);
if ($stat === PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) {
echo 'Verbindungsstatus ok';
} else {
echo 'Verbindungsstatus bad';
Being careful with the comparison operators is not enough:
if (pg_connection_status($link)===PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD)
The reconnect won't be trigged when $link is null.
The manual is just wrong, there are three return values: PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK, PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD, null
I think zytox is incorrect, at least in PHP 5.0.4.
It returns null, but you have to be careful with your comparison operators.
As an example:
if (pg_connection_status($null)===PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK)
echo 'this is not called';
if (pg_connection_status($null)==PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK)
echo 'this is called because NULL==0 is true';
If the connection variable is NULL this function returns 0 in PHP 5.0.2. Havent figured out any more erratic values for the connection variable but be careful.