(PHP 5, PECL OCI8 >= 1.1.0)
oci_free_statement — Gibt alle verknüpften Ressourcen eines Statements oder Zeigers frei.
Bibt alle verknüpften Ressourcen eines Oracle-Statements oder -Zeigers frei, die durch das Ergebnis von oci_parse() zugewiesen oder von Oracle eingeholt wurden.
Ein gültiger Zeiger auf ein OCI-Statement.
Gibt bei Erfolg TRUE zurück. Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben.
oci_free_statement doesn't always free up cursors. I had a query where I performed the following functions in a loop:
(Grab some field values)
I didn't specify the use of a cursor, but ran into a "maximum
open cursors exceeded" error. Within my code, I had one "select * from table_with_lobs" query. When I changed the query to be "select a, b, c, from table_with_lobs" (where I specified the actual column names and where those columns were not LOB fields) the error message went away and I didn't have to resort to upping the max_open_cursors value in Oracle.
If you are using cursors, make sure to free the statement *and* the cursor, especially if there is a possibility of running the proc/cursor again (e.g. with different parameters).
// iterate through cursor...
You need to do it explicitly, closing connection for example does not seem to release the cursor.