(PHP 4 >= 4.0.7, PHP 5 < 5.3.0, PECL ncurses >= 1.0.0)
ncurses_getch — Read a character from keyboard
Diese Funktion ist EXPERIMENTELL. Das Verhalten, der Funktionsname und alles Andere, was hier dokumentiert ist, kann sich in zukünftigen PHP-Versionen ohne Ankündigung ändern. Seien Sie gewarnt und verwenden Sie diese Funktion auf eigenes Risiko.
Diese Funktion ist bis jetzt nicht dokumentiert. Es steht nur die Liste der Argumente zur Verfügung.
In reply to petr at hroch dot info
You can use
ncurses_getch() will return -1 if no data is available
While function ncurses_nodelay() is still not implemented and if you need a non-blocking getch,
following code might help.
$init = ncurses_init();
$full = ncurses_newwin (0,0,0,0);
$running = true;
$fp = fopen("php://stdin","r"); //open direct input stream for reading
stream_set_blocking($fp,0); //set non-blocking mode
while ($running) {
while (($buf = fgets($fp, 4096)) != false) { //fgets is required if we want to handle escape sequenced keys
$buffer .= $buf;
if ($buffer != "") {
switch ($buffer) {
case " ": { //exit on space key
default: {
ncurses_mvwaddstr($full,2,2,"$buffer"); //display input
$buffer = ""; //empty buffer
// You can do something interesting here, while we're not waiting for an input
usleep(1); //reduce cpu usage
After banging my head over this for awhile, I discovered, you must use ncurses_keypad($window, true); to enable the arrow keys and f keys to work correctly.
When using getch to capture KEY_* events remember that the keypad is arranged like this:
| A1 | up | A3 |
|left | B2 | right |
| C1 | down | C3 |
You use has_key to capture these and act upon them.
man curs_getch for more info.
A custom php ncurses_getstr function..
function ncurses_getstr($strlen){
for ($x=0;$x<$strlen;$x++){
$string .= chr(ncurses_getch());
return $string;