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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.





(PHP 4, PHP 5, PECL odbtp >= 1.1.1)

mssql_get_last_messageGibt die letzte Meldung des Servers zurück


string mssql_get_last_message ( void )

Liefert die letzte Meldung des MSSQL-Servers.


Diese Funktion hat keine Parameter.


Gibt die letzte Meldung des Servers zurück oder eine leere Zeichenkette, falls von MSSQL keine Meldungen zurückgegeben wurden.


Beispiel #1 mssql_get_last_message()-Beispiel

// Mit MSSQL verbinden und Datenbank auswählen

// Eine Anfrage senden, die fehlschlägt
$anfrage = @mssql_query('SELECT * FROM [php].[dbo].[not-found]');

if (!
$anfrage) {
// Die Anfrage schlug fehl; mittels mssql_get_last_message()
    // eine Fehlermeldung ausgeben
die('MSSQL-Fehler: ' mssql_get_last_message());

Das oben gezeigte Beispiel erzeugt eine ähnliche Ausgabe wie:

MSSQL-Fehler: Invalid object name 'php.dbo.not-found'.

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10 BenutzerBeiträge:
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deyura at gmail dot com
26.04.2007 15:49
another exsample

mssql_query("INSERT INTO catalog (id, temp) VALUES (1, 'temp')") or exit(mssql_get_last_message());
php at cybertinus dot nl
13.11.2006 12:50
Here I am again :). My last function stinks :p (well, actually, MSSQL doesn't always does the same thing with different errors :/. That last function can't cope with that. The following function can cope with that. The only weird thing I had with it was that when I entered a table, which don't exists, in my SELECT query, the first mssql_get_last_message() doesn't always gets the correct message. It sometimes gets the message from the last action. I have no explination for it. Anyway: this is the beter version of my last function.  The usage is explained in my last post:

function query($sQuery, $hDb_conn, $sError, $bDebug)
$rQuery = @mssql_query($sQuery, $hDb_conn))
$sMssql_get_last_message = mssql_get_last_message();
$sQuery_added  = "BEGIN TRY\n";
$sQuery_added .= "\t".$sQuery."\n";
$sQuery_added .= "END TRY\n";
$sQuery_added .= "BEGIN CATCH\n";
$sQuery_added .= "\tSELECT 'Error: '  + ERROR_MESSAGE()\n";
$sQuery_added .= "END CATCH";
$rRun2= @mssql_query($sQuery_added, $hDb_conn);
$aReturn = @mssql_fetch_assoc($rRun2);
$sError.'. MSSQL returned: '.$sMssql_get_last_message.'.<br>Executed query: '.nl2br($sQuery);
$sError.'. MSSQL returned: '.$aReturn['computed'].'.<br>Executed query: '.nl2br($sQuery);

Disclaimer: This is not the original function that I use in my project. The original function has Dutch text and uses some other functions that I have. I have removed my own functions and translated everything to English. That is everything I did. I only used a second function for the error messages. So I think everything should work, but I don't know for sure.
rodflash at rodflash dot com
23.02.2006 13:29
If you want to view the last ID inserted, mssql_get_last_message() will not return this.
MySQL have a function mysql_insert_id() that returns it. MSSQl don't.
To resolve this, you must run this query:

$query="SELECT @@IDENTITY as last_insert_id"
mssql_query($query, $connection);

and it will return the last ID inserted in the database.
NOjewlfSPAM at NOattSPAM dot net
29.07.2005 16:48
As Klaus pointed out earlier, the command MSSQL_GET_LAST_MESSAGE() only returns the last line of an error message and that may not be enough for debugging.

I had a failing MSSQL_QUERY returning "the statement has been terminated" via MSSQL_GET_LAST_MESSAGE() so I tried Klaus' technique to get more information.

Unfortunately, the connection to the database was also being broken, keeping Klaus' technique from looking up the error number.

The solution to my case was to increase the PHP timeout for MSSQL queries from the default 60 seconds to 300 by adding this to PHP.INI:

mssql.timeout = 300
jessicax at mymelody dot com
12.07.2005 17:44
I've noticed that there's a few people putting really elongated code out there for a MSSQL Connection / Error function.

Firstly, i think that rewriting pre-existing functions is a waste of parsing time, so if you're going to try and return an error, usee mssql_get_last_message() as you would with mysql_error().

Here is an adapted version of a MySQL Connection function;

    function mssql_autoconnect() {
        $cString = parse_url($config['connect_url']);
        $cLink = mssql_connect($cString['host'], $cString['user'], $cString['pass']) or die(mssql_get_last_message());
        return $cLink;
22.03.2005 21:40
I've found mssql_get_last_message to be useful for fetching errors in the event MSSQL queries fail.


= @mssql_query("asdfasdfasfdasfd");
if (!
"MSSQL Query failed: " . mssql_get_last_message() . "<br />\n";

ripfel at thinktank dot de
24.05.2002 19:58
If you work with stored procedures and want to have a neat error-handling, try this:
RAISERROR('myMessage:test', 2, 1) WITH SETERROR

2 is error-severity, which should be below 11 to prevent php to output error directly.
you get this message with mssql_get_last_message()
after executing the stored procedure.
To prevent your code from reacting on all messages you can define a string (e.g. 'myMessage:') and parse for it:
= mssql_connect(DBHost, DBLogin, DBPassword);
mssql_select_db(DBName, $db);
$query = "exec TEST_ERROR";
$rs = mssql_query($query, $db);
$lastMsg = mssql_get_last_message();
strstr($lastMsg, 'myMessage:') echo $lastMsg;
php-contrib at i-ps dot nospam dot net
27.01.2002 19:24
With ref to last_insert_id;

you can also do "SELECT ident_current('table_name')" with msSQL, which is the same thing.
Don't forget that this counts as a seperate SQL query, so you will have to fetch the results as well, which isn't as neat as MySQL_insert_id().
richard at alpinenetworking dot com
30.07.2001 11:31
To get a numeric error code from mssql you can do a select that looks something like "select @@ERROR as ErrorCode".

@@ERROR is a global variable that always contains the error code for the last SQL statement run on the current connection.  If there is no error, code will equal 0.

@@IDENTITY is another useful one to know.  It is the value of the last identity created (similar to MySQL's auto_increment field) and with this you can create a function that works like MySQL's mysql_insert_id() function.

6.04.2001 18:48
MS SQL doesn't set errors as mysql does. $php_error is set as a string that doesn't help at all. The error comes in form of a Warning, which isn't pretty. So what you can do is capture the output of the warning and create your own error message, something like this:

function treat_mssql_error($buffer) {
    $buffer=ereg_replace("<br>\n<b>Warning</b>:  MS SQL message:","<b>Error in query (SQL Server)</b>: ",$buffer);
    return $buffer[0]."</font>";

function my_query($query,$cnx) {
    global $sql_error;
        return false;
    return true;

you can set treat_mssql_error() to fit your needs, and there u go. A personal error handler.

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