(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5)
mb_ereg_match — Regular expression match for multibyte string
A regular expression match for a multibyte string
Returns TRUE if string matches the regular expression pattern, FALSE if not.
Das interne Encoding oder das mit mb_regex_encoding() festgelegte Zeichenencoding wird als Zeichenencoding für diese Funktion genutzt.
'option' parameter has the same syntax as 'option' parameter from 'mb_regex_set_options' function.
Note that this function matches a string from the beginning only (though not necessarily till the end):
$test = mb_ereg_match("a", "some apples"); // returns false
$test = mb_ereg_match("a", "a kiwi"); // returns true
If you want to check for a match anywhere in the string, use the wild-card & repeat operators .*
$test = mb_ereg_match(".*a", "some apples"); // returns true