(PHP 4, PHP 5)
max — Maximalwert bestimmen
Ist der erste und einzige Parameter ist ein Array, gibt max() den höchsten Wert dieses Arrays zurück. Sind mindestens zwei Parameter übergeben, gibt max() den größeren dieser Werte zurück.
PHP evaluiert nicht-numerische string-Daten zu 0, wenn sie mit einem integer-Wert verglichen werden, gibt aber trotzdem die Zeichenkette zurück, wenn sie den numerisch höheren Wert hat. Werden mehrere Argumente zu 0 evaluiert, gibt max() den numerischen Wert 0, sofern er übergeben wurde, andernfalls den alphabetisch höchstwertigen String.
Ein die Werte enthaltendes Array.
max() liefert den numerisch größten Parameterwert zurück.
Beispiel #1 Verwendungsbeispiel von max()
echo max(1, 3, 5, 6, 7); // 7
echo max(array(2, 4, 5)); // 5
echo max(0, 'hello'); // 0
echo max('hello', 0); // hello
echo max(-1, 'hello'); // hello
// Bei multiplen Arrays vergleicht max von links nach rechts,
// daher ist in unserem Beispiel 2 == 2, aber 4 < 5
$val = max(array(2, 4, 8), array(2, 5, 7)); // array(2, 5, 7)
// Sind ein Array und ein Nicht-Array-Parameter gegeben, wird immer
// das Array als größerer Wert angesehen
$val = max('string', array(2, 5, 7), 42); // array(2, 5, 7)
If you want to test whether x lies within two bounds:
static function isInRange($x, $y1, $y2) {
return( ($x >= min($y1, $y2)) && ($x <= max($y1, $y2)) );
//called by:
//or (drop static)
//simple test function:
static function unit_isInRange() {
$output = array();
$inputlist[] = array(10, 12, 2, true);
$inputlist[] = array(13, 12, 2, false);
$inputlist[] = array(2, -2, 2, true);
$inputlist[] = array(2, -8, -2, false);
foreach($inputlist as $input) {
$output[] = array(
'input' => array($input[0], $input[1], $input[2]),
'output' => self::isInRange($input[0],$input[1],$input[2]),
'expected' => $input[3],
max() on undefined parameters does not assume the value is zero, it ignores it.
$dimensions = array('left' => -2);
// If $dimensions['right'] was never set,
// we may expect it to be treated as zero, but
print max($dimensions['left'], $dimensions['right']);
// Returns -2, not zero
print max(0+$dimensions['left'], 0+$dimensions['right']);
would be a work-around, but it's probably tidier to ensure your values are set correctly first.
(on PHP 5.2.11 anyway)
Notice that whenever there is a Number in front of the String, it will be used for Comparison.
max('7iuwmssuxue', 1); //returns 7iuwmssuxu
max('-7suidha', -4); //returns -4
But just if it is in front of the String
max('sdihatewin7wduiw', 3); //returns 3
max only accepts not empty arrays.
if you work a lot with numerical arrays and with max, this function may come in handy:
if (!function_exists('emax')) {
function emax($arr) {
if (!is_array($arr)) return call_user_func_array('max', func_get_args());
if (count($arr) == 0) return 0;
return max($arr);
This Is Good Example: For max to min
function max_key($array) {
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
if ($val == max($array)) return $key;
$array = array(10, 2, 5, 7, 4,15,32,8,41,25);
print $view."<br />"; //
41 // Max
2 //Min
Note that max() can compare dates, so if you write something like this:
$dates = array('2009-02-15', '2009-03-15');
echo max($dates);
you will get: 2009-03-15.
I had several occasions that using max is a lot slower then using a if/then/else construct. Be sure to check this in your routines!
This code loops through seven arrays and finds the highest average value within those arrays - and changes the font color for it. Great for highlighting.
The biggest take-away is this the row
if($average[$i] == max($average))
The number_format just rounds the numbers to 0 decimal points.
for ( $i = 0; $i <= 6; $i++) {
$num = $i+1;
if($average[$i] == max($average)) {
echo "Value ".$num.": <font color='red'>".number_format($average[$i], 0, '.', '')." % </font<br>";
} else {
echo "Value ".$num.": ".number_format($average[$i],0,'.','')." %<br>";
Value 1: 52 %
Value 2: 58 %
Value 3: 56 %
Value 4: 73 %
Value 5: 77 % <- this 77 is highlighted in red
Value 6: 71 %
Value 7: 75 %
In a publication by WROX I noted a variant of the earlier "bound" function:
A parameter had to be between 1 and 3...
mick at wireframe dot com's solution to finding the key for the highest value didn't work for me, so I wrote one myself:
function max_key($array) {
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
if ($val == max($array)) return $key;
$array = array(1, 2, 5, 7, 4);
echo max($array); // 7
echo max_key($array); // 3
of course this also works with associative arrays, but it will only return a single result!
A way to bound a integer between two values is:
function bound($x, $min, $max)
return min(max($x, $min), $max);
which is the same as:
$tmp = $x;
if($tmp < $min)
$tmp = $min;
if($tmp > $max)
$tmp = $max;
$y = $tmp;
So if you wanted to bound an integer between 1 and 12 for example:
$x = 0;
echo bound(0, 1, 12).'<br />';
$x = 1;
echo bound($x, 1, 12).'<br />';
$x = 6;
echo bound($x, 1, 12).'<br />';
$x = 12;
echo bound($x, 1, 12).'<br />';
$x = 13;
echo bound($x, 1, 12).'<br />';
There are a couple of things you can do for cleaner code if you want the keys returned from the array. I am not sure how they each impact performance, but the visual readability is more beneficial for me -- your mileage may vary.
In the first example keys and max value is returned:
// First, let's pretend we have an array like this:
$Some_Array = array(
'john' => 40,
'susan' => 40,
'jane' => 24,
'michael' => 19,
'jimmy' => 38
function max_extract($My_Array) {
$Max_Value = max($My_Array);
return array_fill_keys(array_keys($My_Array, $Max_Value), $Max_Value);
} // ! max_extract()
Or, if you are only interested in the keys and don't care what the max is:
function max_extract($My_Array) {
return array_keys($My_Array, max($My_Array));
// You can also array_flip() this is you want them as keys
// or if some other reason makes this relevant/needed.
} // ! max_extract()
There are many possible variations when using the search parameter of array_keys() along with other array functions.
Or to take multiple maximum values into consideration:
function doublemax($mylist){
$max_keys = array();
return $max_keys;
This is highly ineficient, but can be a bit better
function doublemax($mylist){
return array("key"=>$key,"value"=>$value);
Matlab users and others may feel lonely without the double argument output from min and max functions.
To have the INDEX of the highest value in an array, as well as the value itself, use the following, or a derivative:
function doublemax($mylist){
return array("m"=>$maxvalue,"i"=>$maxindex);
max on a an array with key/values
$tmp = array(1 => 5, 2=> 3);
echo max($tmp);
this return 5, so the max is done on the values.
To find the maximum value from a set of 1-dimensional arrays, do this:
$d1 = array(450,420,440,430,421);
$d2 = array(460,410,410,430,413,375,256,411,656);
$d3 = array(430,440,470,435,434,255,198);
$t = max(max($d1),max($d2),max($d3));
// $t is 656
The inner max() functions operate on the arrays, the outer max compares the numeric results of the inner ones.
Regarding boolean parameters in min() and max():
(a) If any of your parameters is boolean, max and min will cast the rest of them to boolean to do the comparison.
(b) true > false
(c) However, max and min will return the actual parameter value that wins the comparison (not the cast).
Here's some test cases to illustrate:
1. max(true,100)=true
2. max(true,0)=true
3. max(100,true)=100
4. max(false,100)=100
5. max(100,false)=100
6. min(true,100)=true
7. min(true,0)=0
8. min(100,true)=100
9. min(false,100)=false
10. min(100,false)=false
11. min(true,false)=false
12. max(true,false)=true
In response to the previous two posters (zher0 at netcarrier dot com & walkingmantis):
I was trying to do exactly what zher0 suggested; calculate the max value of a multi-dimensional array with variably sized 'sub-arrays'. Here is a simple little function I came up with to do just that:
function multimax( $array ) {
// use foreach to iterate over our input array.
foreach( $array as $value ) {
// check if $value is an array...
if( is_array($value) ) {
// ... $value is an array so recursively pass it into multimax() to
// determine it's highest value.
$subvalue = multimax($value);
// if the returned $subvalue is greater than our current highest value,
// set it as our $return value.
if( $subvalue > $return ) {
$return = $subvalue;
} elseif($value > $return) {
// ... $value is not an array so set the return variable if it's greater
// than our highest value so far.
$return = $value;
// return (what should be) the highest value from any dimension.
return $return;
Please note that I have only performed very limited testing on this code -- be sure to check it thoroughly if you implement it somewhere!
If you are working with numbers, then you can use:
$a = ($b > $c) ? $b : $c;
which is somewhat faster (roughly 16%) than
$a = max($b, $c);
I tested this on several loops using integers and floats, over 1 million iterations.
I'm running PHP 4.3.1 as a module for Apache 1.3.27.
Note that in version 4.0.3 (the only version I tested):
max (0, 0); // returns 0.
max (0, false); // returns 0.
max (false, 0); // returns false.
max (false, false); // returns false.
As a solution use this:
(int) max (false, 0); // returns 0.
(int) max (false, false); // returns 0.