PHP Doku:: Count the rows already fetched from a query - function.ifx-num-rows.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Informix Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP <=5.2.0)

ifx_num_rowsCount the rows already fetched from a query


int ifx_num_rows ( int $result_id )

Gibt nach der Ausführung von ifx_query() oder ifx_do()die Anzahl der Zeilen in der durch result_id gegebenen Ergebnismenge zurück.

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evandrosimenes at hotmail dot com
13.01.2009 13:10
if you use this function following:

= ifx_query("SELECT * FROM systables", $connection);
$rows  = ifx_num_rows($query);

this way it doesn't work...

the correct is:

= ifx_query("SELECT * FROM systables", $connection);
$fetch = ifx_fetch_row($query);
$rows  = ifx_num_rows($query);

this way it work...

the informix doesn't returns anything (only with ifx_num_rows) if you don't open the results of query (with ifx_fetch_row)
icespawn11882 at hotmail dot com
21.04.2005 0:56
This function give always 0 as result so I used ifx_affected_rows to count rows of a query's result...

An example of this function:

$conn_id = ifx_connect("db", "user", "password");
$res_id = ifx_query("select * from systables", $conn_id);
$res = ifx_affected_rows($res_id);
echo $res;

$res contains the number of rows in the result of the query after his execution.

Para Massimiliano

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