PHP Doku:: Open blob for retrieving data parts - function.ibase-blob-open.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

Firebird/InterBase Funktionen




(PHP 4, PHP 5)

ibase_blob_openOpen blob for retrieving data parts


resource ibase_blob_open ( resource $link_identifier , string $blob_id )
resource ibase_blob_open ( string $blob_id )

Opens an existing BLOB for reading.



An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is assumed.


A BLOB id.


Returns a BLOB handle for later use with ibase_blob_get()Im Fehlerfall wird FALSE zurückgegeben..

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Kevin Hamilton
27.02.2006 22:39
While it is true that PHP4 allows only one parameter, it is not true that PHP5 allows only 2 parameters.  The correct function signature for PHP5 should be:

resource ibase_blob_open([ resource link_identifier, ] string blob_id)

If a link_identifier is not provided, then the "default" link_identifier will be used.  The default link identifier is assigned every time you call ibase_connect or ibase_pconnect, so if you have multiple connections it will be  whichever was connected LAST.

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