PHP Doku:: HttpQueryString constructor - function.httpquerystring-construct.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The HttpQueryString class

<<The HttpQueryString class



(PECL pecl_http >= 0.22.0)

HttpQueryString::__constructHttpQueryString constructor


final public void HttpQueryString::__construct ([ bool $global = true [, mixed $add ]] )

Creates a new HttpQueryString object instance.

Operates on and modifies $_GET and $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] if global is TRUE.



whether to operate on $_GET and $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']


additional/initial query string parameters


Throws HttpRuntimeException.

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michal dot kocarek at brainbox dot cz
11.06.2009 16:19
Note about first argument when calling the constructor:
– if true, instance will have initially exactly same query string as PHP received when user accessed the page
– if false, instance will be empty.

// Imagine that user puts "test.php?name=JamesBond&age=30" into browser, then…

$query = new HttpQueryString(); // query is "name=JamesBond&age=30". (First argument is true by default.)
$query = new HttpQueryString(false); // query is empty
$query = new HttpQueryString(true, 'age=31'); // query is "name=JamesBond&age=31", name was preserved, age was updated
$query = new HttpQueryString(false, 'age=31'); // query is "age=31"

Second argument can be string and associative array, same as for HttpQueryString->set() method.

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