PHP Doku:: Set the shape to be used at the ends of lines - function.harupage-setlinecap.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The HaruPage class




(PECL haru >= 0.0.1)

HaruPage::setLineCapSet the shape to be used at the ends of lines


bool HaruPage::setLineCap ( int $cap )

Defines the shape to be used at the ends of lines.



Must be one of the following values:

  • HaruPage::BUTT_END - the line is squared off at the endpoint of the path.
  • HaruPage::ROUND_END - the end of the line becomes a semicircle with center in the end point of the path.
  • HaruPage::PROJECTING_SCUARE_END - the line continues to the point that exceeds half of the stroke width the end point.


Returns TRUE on success.


Throws a HaruException on error.

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