PHP Doku:: Gets content of node - function.domnode-get-content.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.





(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0)

DomNode->get_content Gets content of node


string DomNode->get_content ( void )

This function returns the content of the actual node.

Beispiel #1 Getting a content

if (!$dom domxml_open_mem($xmlstr)) {
"Error while parsing the document\n";

$root $dom->document_element();

$node_array $root->get_elements_by_tagname("element");

for (
$i 0$i<count($node_array); $i++) {
$node $node_array[$i];
"The element[$i] is: " $node->get_content();


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kris {at} linked {dot} com {dot} mt
2.09.2010 8:04
To print the node simply create a new document import the node and save it to html or whatever you need


= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$temp_node = $temp->importNode($mynode, TRUE);
d dot cicognani at ciconet dot it
24.12.2005 8:43
Only to correct a very small error, but maybe difficult to find in che function GetContentAsString posted by someone in April 2005.
There was $anode-node_value() instead of $anode->node_value().
This is the right version:


function GetContentAsString($node) {   
$st = "";
  foreach (
$node->child_nodes() as $cnode)
   if (
$st .= $cnode->node_value();
   else if (
$cnode->node_type()==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
$st .= "<" . $cnode->node_name();
     if (
$attribnodes=$cnode->attributes()) {
$st .= " ";
       foreach (
$attribnodes as $anode)
$st .= $anode->node_name() . "='" .
$anode->node_value() . "'";
$nodeText = GetContentAsString($cnode);
     if (empty(
$nodeText) && !$attribnodes)
$st .= " />";        // unary
$st .= ">" . $nodeText . "</" .
$cnode->node_name() . ">";

krautman at gmx dot net
6.12.2005 16:14
get_content() always returns UTF-8 (as should be!).
To get the content right just code it like

$myContent = utf8_decode($myNode->get_content());

Works fine!
sysadmin at webnow dot com dot br
26.07.2005 14:43
Seems that get_content() always returns utf-8.
Opening document with something like


makes no difference!

11.04.2005 18:41
Here's a routine I wrote that acts like get_content() but returns embedded XHTML in the string returned.  I needed this as I was wanting to embed HTML formatting codes in my HTML (e.g., "<br />") and converting them to HTML entities or using CDATA was a huge hassle.


function GetContentAsString($node) {   
$st = "";
  foreach (
$node->child_nodes() as $cnode)
    if (
$st .= $cnode->node_value();
    else if (
$cnode->node_type()==XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
$st .= "<" . $cnode->node_name();
      if (
$attribnodes=$cnode->attributes()) {
$st .= " ";
        foreach (
$attribnodes as $anode)
$st .= $anode->node_name() . "='" .
$anode-node_value() . "'";
$nodeText = GetContentAsString($cnode);
      if (empty(
$nodeText) && !$attribnodes)
$st .= " />";        // unary
$st .= ">" . $nodeText . "</" .
$cnode->node_name() . ">";


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