PHP Doku:: Create new attribute - domdocument.createattribute.html

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Ein Service von Reinhard Neidl - Webprogrammierung.

The DOMDocument class




(PHP 5)

DOMDocument::createAttributeCreate new attribute


DOMAttr DOMDocument::createAttribute ( string $name )

This function creates a new instance of class DOMAttr. Dieser Knoten wird in Ihrem Dokument nicht sichtbar sein, bis dieser zum Beispiel mit der Funktion DOMNode->appendChild() eingefügt wird.



The name of the attribute.


The new DOMAttr or FALSE if an error occured.



Raised if name contains an invalid character.

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chandrachur at elegantsystems dot net
24.07.2008 9:41
A pretty simple example showing how to create attributes and add values to them:

= new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');

$root = $doc->createElement('songs');


$root_child = $doc->createElement('song');
$root_attr1 = $doc->createAttribute('url');
$root_text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the root element!');
$root_attr2= $doc->createAttribute('artist');
$root_text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the root element!');
$root_attr3 = $doc->createAttribute('track');
$root_text = $doc->createTextNode('This is the root element!');



This will output as:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
  <song url="This is the root element!" artist="This is the root element!" track="This is the root element!" />
boen dot robot at the-google-mail dot com
12.11.2006 19:43
If you're looking for an easy way to create an attribute with a certain value, in a similar to createElement() manner, you should use the setAttribute() instead. Documentation and example is available below:

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